Friday, February 27, 2009

Conflict of Interest

In a small town, conflict of interests are always just around the corner. Kuhn and city officials say everything is above board. The fishy thing is that Kuhn got lots of business the year he became commissioner and now as mayor, but none the three years before that. It looks suspicous, but does not proof preferential treatment.

There will be more to come on this story ...

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Health crisis

I'm returning to one of my favorite soap boxes - reforming health care. Obama says it's NO. 1 priority (after stimulus, I guess)

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Crash correction

Some might view this reversal as a bungled decision. I find it admirable that elected officials can come back and reconsider an issue after new info comes to light.

Political silliness

The answer to why people are so cynical about about politics and politicians is right here.

When both sides claim shennangins by the other, both look like kids.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Death penalty debate

It's begun.
Thurber will be sentenced today or tomorrow. Seems like the consensus is that he'll get death

Below is Traveler editorial from Saturday. (Yes I wrote it) Obviously the minority view. James Jordan column has a different take.

There's no doubt about the awful, heinous nature of the crimes against Jodi Sanderholm.

Now that Justin Thurber has been found guilty of those crimes - kidnapping, rape, murder - he could be sentenced to execution by the State of Kansas.

Thurber put Sanderholm through so much suffering, pain and fear that his punishment should fit the crime.

But what good will killing Thurber do?
Prevent him from killing again?

Life in prison does that.

Bring closure to the victim's family?

In some cases, it makes things worse.

Deter others from committing similar crimes?

There is little evidence that it works.

Satisfy society's need for revenge? Eye for an eye?

Maybe, but we're not Saudi Arabia.

Death penalty opponents are campaigning right now to abolish the punishment, based on the fact that it costs more to sentence somebody to death than lock them away in prison, because of all the appeals.

But it's hard to count coins when you're talking life and death.

When it comes to the death penalty, simple axioms are useful.

Two wrongs don't make a right.

Thou shalt not kill.

Don't play God.

Prosecutors certainly have the right to pursue the death penalty, especially in this case.

It may even feel right, but that does not make it so.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Money, money, money ...MONEY

Steve Abrams stacks up the Koch money.

Worth pointing out that Abrams' voting record on Kansas budget problems so far are not hard-core conservative that Kochs and Americans for Prosperity advocate.

Death penalty — Sue Norton

Ran across this local angle while searching about death penalty issues on the Web. Sue is from Ark City. Here's an older but more detailed version of her story.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Fighting blight

Cowley County takes strong action. Be nice to see the city of Ark City this determined to fight eyesores.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Sebelius to D.C.

Seems like a real possibility. Wonder, though, if she'd be the one to push the massive health care reform Obama seeks.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Tiahrt vs. Moran

Here is the latest Tiahrt press release. Apparently Moran has a lead in the first snapshot poll from last month, but Tiahrt hadn't officially announced. Will Sebelius take on the winner between these two on the Demo side?

Tiahrt Files FEC Papers to Make Senate Run Official

WICHITA—U.S. Congressman Todd Tiahrt (R-Goddard) today made his Senate candidacy official by filing his Federal Election Commission (FEC) statement of candidacy form with the Secretary of the U.S. Senate. The official filing allows Tiahrt to raise funds for his Senate campaign. Tiahrt's filing comes 18 months before the primary and 21 months before the general election in 2010.

Tiahrt announced Saturday that he was a candidate for the Senate in front of hundreds of Kansans gathered for Kansas Day weekend events in Topeka.

"It has been an honor serving the people of South-central Kansas as their Representative in Congress," said Tiahrt. "I now look forward to taking my leadership to the U.S. Senate on behalf of all Kansans. Everywhere I travel across our great state people are telling me we need conservative leadership they can trust. That is why I am running for the Senate.

"Filing FEC papers today makes my candidacy official, and I am eager to continue my conversation with Kansans as I travel around the state."

Tiahrt is the dean of the Kansas House congressional delegation serving in Congress since 1995. Since his first congressional run for the House in 1994, Tiahrt has raised more than $7.5 million in campaign contributions. As part of Tiahrt's commitment to investing in other Republican leaders, he has contributed and helped raise well over $1 million to local, state and federal candidates.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

It begins

Reliving this stuff has got to be hard for the Sanderholm family. I'm still half expecting Thurber to cop a plea to save his life before this all ends.