Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Let the race begin

Looks like Mel Kuhn is not running for re-election to the Ark City Commission. Dotty Smith is. Ark City school board has just five candidates for four seats. The deadline to file was noon today.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Derek Schmidt campaigned to join to the legal efforts to block health care reform, so he can't back out now as Kansas's new Attorney General.

But that doesn't mean it isn't still a bad idea. Here are two reasons.

1) The lawsuits are already out there and wasting time and money on this seems following politics rather than prudence.

2) Be careful what you wish for: health reform props up the existing, market-based system by requiring people to buy into it. If there is no mandate to purchase private insurance, then eventually the dreaded single-payer, totally government run system that conservatives fear so much will be the only option when the pendulumn swings to the left again.

Remember that mandates to buy private insurance was a GOP alternative in the 1990s to Clinton's government-centered plan.

Also, the GOP claims people want repeal. Yes, but ... if you ask the question with more specifics behind it (which is usually a good idea) you find more support for adding to it, rather than just getting rid of it.

Hockenbury returns

Joel Hockenbury, a commissioner from 2004-2008, who served a year as mayor, is running again for city commission.

Hard not to see this through the TIFF/Lowes prism. Joel was a big supporter of that project when it failed on a 3-2 vote back in 2006. If he would take Mell or Dotty's seat, that would provide the fourth vote for similar efforts in the future.

Guess we need to find out where Chad Giles stands on this.

My recollection of Joel on the commission is that he was thoughtful, analytical, relatively soft spoken and talked a lot about trying to bring more economic growth to the city.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Massey gone

The question this story does not answer is whether Massey was fired or resigned. That's important because his severance agreement states that he is to be paid through March 31 EVEN IF he is terminated. That's on top of the 3 months severance he already was paid, and unused vacation/sick pay he is set to receive upon the end of his employment.

What the new city manager and city commissioners should be answering to the public is whether they plan to honor this agreement or fight it. I suppose they are considering those options now.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Jean Snell is running for another term for city commission. Chad D. Giles, an assistant county attorney, has also filed. He's the only challenger so far. Commissioners Mell Kuhn and Dotty Smith seats' are also up for reelection.

Mike Munson has filed for school board in Ark City. Mike Walker, Jon Oak, Tim Harmon and Janet Carroll seats are all up this year, according to the county clerk.

Ron Godsey, of Winfield, has filed for relection to the Cowley Board of Trustees

Deadline for filing is Jan. 25

Monday, January 10, 2011

Rural landslide

Don't know how to judge this, eh hem, exactly. But Lanning is the judge because she mopped up outside the cities of Winfield and Ark City.

Frankly, I'm a bit surprised that Krusor didn't win Winfield a bit more. The conventional wisdom today is that Mark ran a more PR, advertising type campaign while Lanning did more grassroots stuff.

I don't have evidence this is true, but I sure would like to see how the gender vote broke. And Mark probably cites the biggest reason of all — bad year to have a "D" by your name.

City of calm

Compared to the turmoil in Ark City government right now, this story from Winfield stands in stark contrast.

Warren Porter is making a Curt Freeland-type run for longevity there. His bosses announced they are happy with him and he turned down a raise offer, they said.


What will the repercussions of all this be at the ballot box in April?

You could argue these agreements and the commission's apparent lack of knowledge of them proves the city commission didn't micro manage enough.

Others suggest that the micromanaging has led city employees to resign, feel threatened and created unneeded conflict that leads to the chaos inside city hall we have right now.

The other thing to consider is, that if Archer failed as a city manager and was reckless with taxpayer funds with these agreements, who is responsible for Archer? Smith and Kuhn and McDonald hired him to replace Doug Russell. Archer stayed in the job for more than two years.

My perception at the time was that Archer was promoted to city manager because the three amigos felt he would work well with their hands on style. For whatever reason, that didn't turn out to be the case.