Gene Burr, who faces Kasha Kelley in the general election for state house rep., sent out a fundraising letter that challenges Kelley's performance. Fundraising solicitations are often negative. My wife and I were included probably because we're both registered Democrats. (I switched from independent to caucus for Obama in Feb.)
The letter accuses Kasha of following her party blindly, but doesn't get specific. I think Gene should offer more details, so we'll be asking him.
Amazing. Must be pretty desperate since he included that 30 year old picture again. If you have to be that dishonest just to get someone's attention, you have to wonder what else they are lying about. Oh, let's lie about the record of a good legislator who cares about our area. Then maybe that will help generate campaign cash. Get a little more ingenuity buddy.
I find his statements odd. As many know I am a Democrat and Kasha has consulted with me on many occasions. Sometimes we tussled a little because we had differing views but we always remained friends and I never got the sense that she valued my opinion any less when I disagreed. Why does he have to make a point regarding her financial status? Are we to hold it against her that her family took a chance to pursue the American dream and succeeded? I don’t think so. That is something that should be admired. This is one democratic vote that will be cast for Kelley!
These posts seem odd to me. The letter that was sent to Mr. Allen obviously has a singular purpose: To raise funds for a suitable campaign.
Mr. Mars: I read, and re-read the letter. I find nowhere a reference to Ms. Kelly's financial background. I do, however find an honest request for funds that comes from a man who obviously cannot fund his campaign alone. But...that's what's great about America. Even those with meager means can seek office as can those who have more. I don't know Ms. Kelly. So, I'll take you at your word. However, nothing in the letter gives me the impression that he won't respect her opinion. On the contrary. I get the impression he doesn't agree with the bulk of her work. I don't get the impression that Mr. Burr intends to be "enemies" with Ms. Kelly. Just a viable opponent.
What lie? I find no disparagement in the letter toward Ms. Kelly other than to announce his intentions to challenge her based on her record. Mr. Burr simply stated that he obviously thinks her tenure in the legislature mirrors that of the Republican led majority. And, since he's running for office, my guess is that (as an opponent) he would/should feel differently than the incumbent (otherwise, "why run?"). Does she deny the Republican platform? Or is she in lock-step with them?
You appear to have your mind made up...therefore, Mr. Burr will likely not have to spend much time or effort changing your view. But, I wonder. Methinks ye doth protest too much.
For the majority of us, this one's easy. It's JULY, for cryin' out loud. Let's give any candidate a chance to be heard over the course of the race. THEN we can make a decision.
Shame on you Mr. Allen for making an honest fund raising letter such an issue. Politicians must emphasize the diffences between themselves and their opponents. Doing so is part of the process. I know Mr. Burr has vowed to conduct an honest and clean campaign. Don't start putting words in his mouth to same it appear otherwise. I hope you have not decided to endorse one candidate over another this early in the game. It's early in the game and wouldn't it be nice and extraordinaly to allow a person to honestly represent himself? And I personally like the picture!
Attacking a candidate's choice of photo? Equating that with dishonesty and garnering attention? Please. I see no "lies" made in the campaign funding request just as I see no lies spread about Kasha Kelley. I don't even understand what made the letter "newsworthy" enough to publish since candidates campaign for finances all the time. What's so special here? Looks to me as though people are missing the entire point and are harping about nonessentials. Whether it's Burr or Kelley, find the candidate who's going to make this a viable community and quit harping and nitpicking about things that aren't even important. It's that kind of attitude that turns me off of politics. Let them run their race and support whichever candidate you feel would best serve the area but knock it off with the negativity. Right now I'm inclined to look toward Burr, simply based on Kelley's "anonymous" supporter's idiocy.
Well, this letter is newsworthy without doubt. If a candidate is going to try to negatively define their opponent, people need to know. I'm not saying he's wrong to do so, but I am saying he should be asked to provide some detail to support the critique (still working on that)
What I think is important os to get facts straight. A good way to know the candidates is to go to the forums. I went to a forum recently by the Winfield chamber. Kelly had bucked her leadership to put veteran's money back in the budget and Trimmer, the Democrat, had worked with her and supported that. They were talking about working on it together and how its good when they can do that. And taht transparency was no slam dunk because it was blocked so much, she told the story of how she got it into law and it wasn't like the letter says. I know its not the first time she's bucked her leadership from hearing their updates, so I have to wonder about Burr's ability to be accurate and his intentions seem off to me. I would say go to them updates and talk to them and hear them so your not blindly following like Politics101 put it. And if that isnt what Burr looks like, what's he really look like?
"Right now I'm inclined to look toward Burr, simply based on Kelley's "anonymous" supporter's idiocy."
That's quite possibly the shallowest comment I've ever heard. If you are going to make your decisions for either or any candidate based upon their anonymous supposed supporters, you probably shouldn't be voting in the first place.
This election really matters so please get informed by getting to know the candidates and where they stand on real issues. I agree that harping on the out-dated photo is possibly a little petty. Yet if that is all most people have to go on than what else do you expect. Here is a guy who is a virtual unknown and the first thing he chooses to disclose about himself is something that is CLEARLY inaccurate and possibly intended to deceive voters. That does not promote trust in the other claims he makes. After making around $72k / year plus benefits as a principal, with what are probably pretty great retirement benefits plus social security, you'd think the guy could afford to provide a picture circa the 21st century at least. If you're wondering about the salary, in Oklahoma for his school district it's a matter of public record. Maybe Burr's means aren't so meager after all. So what is true, Mr. Burr?
anonymous #4:
Even though you agree that harping on the photo is a bit petty, you take the time to suggest that Mr. Burr is possibly intending to deceive voters about his age? C'mon.
In the press release that announced his candidacy (if my recollection is correct) he clearly indicated he was an Ark City High School graduate of the late 50's (I believe 1957). That makes him somewhere between 68-70 (I'm guessing most voters can do that simple subtraction). So, what deception???
In fact, If I recall, he mentioned his "age" several times in that announcement (indicating that he was retired and could devote his time and effort to helping the voters of this district). So, let's put to rest any notion that this candidate is anything but sincere in his candidacy.
You and I agree, this election is important and, hopefully the voters of this area will take the time to become truly informed regarding the issues each candidate addresses. It is my hope that the voters will also remember Ms. Kelly's voting record as well.
We each have opinions and I, for one, have not been too impressed with the Republican leadership's legislative agenda (or lack of one) to help us in SC Kansas. Ms. Kelly appears to be nothing more than a lackey for the conservative agenda that has railroaded us into the most bleak outlook on our economy that we've seen since before she was alive.
oh, and by the way Ms. Curious, it isn't just about an ability to raise funds. there is a lot more involved.
"As our president bears no resemblance to a king so we shall see the Senate has no similitude to nobles. First, not being hereditary, their collective knowledge, wisdom, and virtue are not precarious. For by these qualities alone are they to obtain their offices, and they will have none of the peculiar qualities and vices of those men who possess power merely because their father held it before them."
-- Tench Coxe (An American Citizen, No.2, 28 September 1787)
Why not produce a current day pic of Burr. Is he too old for the job? That would certainly put an end to the criticism about him being deceitful by trying to use a 30 year old pic. To set the record straight, he should submit a current (unretouched) picture to the paper and for future fundraising letters.
Curious,The Post script is obviously a reference to her financial status.I agree that the ability to run for office without independent means is one thing that makes this country great. I wish Mr. Burr the best of luck.
I am laughing about that p.s. at the bottom. Go drive by and look at his house -->one of the nicest in Ark City. He lists his address in the middle of the page. I had to go take a look for myself as I had a sneaking suspicion. I am surprised he thought we were so dumb that we wouldn't compare any of his statements with reality. Isn't there some sort of old saying about people living in glass houses shouldn't throw stones?
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