Friday, February 4, 2011

Pompeo's position

I wrote this story on Pompeo. I would commend him on keeping an open mind about the F-35 alternate engine that might help keep jobs at GE Strother Field in the future. His and House GOP NO. 1 priority is to slash federal spending to reduce the deficit - but what about spending that is descretionary that affects jobs in your own district. Tough call. We love to hate spending, unless it helps us!


Anonymous said...

That alternate engine is nothing more than a political ploy and huge waste of taxpayer money. Just saving a few local jobs is not worth the burden to the taxpayers of the entire country when it's obviously a wild goose chase.

Anonymous said...

While I understand and appreciate the GE Plant and its workers. I wouldn't hang my hat on an alternative engine as a plan to save or grow the AREA!
Aircraft has always had its up and downs (no pun intended). There has been several years without a significant downturn in that industry - which it has experienced recently! (While GE Strother is the only one left in the US for certain engines - it can be done elsewhere around the world and CHEAPER!

You better come up with a BETTER PLAN THAN THAT ONE!

The trend NOW is to outsource alot of those jobs to other countries! (It's become a transferrable skill!!!!!)
I'm don't think more Govt. subsidization is the REAL answer to SAVING them!

Anonymous said...

what??? You are not agreeing with the president? I guess I don't give you enough credit. I really thought you blindly followed whatever the dems say and do.

skeptic said...

From the Lexington Institute: "

House backers of an unneeded "alternate engine" for the single-engine F-35 are threatening to withhold money for the fighter unless their pet project is funded -- a move that potentially drives up the cost of each plane in the program. In effect, the legislators are trying to hold hostage the modernization of military air fleets to assure their home states get jobs at the expense of taxpayers and our warfighters."

Anonymous said...

HAHAHA! I knew my remark about you blindly following the president and democrats wouldn't get posted. I seriously still can't believe you are on the other side of this issue. Normally whatever Obama says you are there to defend him. You do realize this was something Obama wanted cut? So now instead of giving Pomeo credit for not following the republicans blindly you are all over him for it. Which is it????