Friday, March 4, 2011

Abrams vs. arts

Ellen Snell, director of the Arkansas City Area Arts Council, took after Steve Abrams for not voting to repeal the Gov.'s order to defund the Kansas Arts Commission. Here's the story. Abram's provided comment this afternoon and it will be in the paper. This issue I don't think resonnates hugely among the general public, but is very intense for a certain segment of it.

To me, the amount of money saved $750,000 over two years, is not worth the potential reduction in arts funding to area arts groups like ours, or the message that it sends that Kansas as a state doesn't care much about investing in the arts.


Anonymous said...

Mr. Abrams views reflect his strong christian conservative views. People like Mr Abrams, and for that matter Mrs. Kelly, support arts when it both makes since with there conservative economic views and extreme religious views.

Mr. Abrams and Mrs. Kelly are both known to be supportive in a way of the arts. These are the types of people that support the contemporary christian concerts coming to town and fight any type of music that conflicts with there extreme religious views. Many long time supporters of the Prairiefest/Arts Festival know this to be the case as it was quite a change of direction forced on this entity by the Kelly family/Intermark Corporation some years back.

These are the same types of people who will support the arts up until it challenges there religious beliefs in any way. If a homosexual or aetheist person was involved in the arts programs, these types would choose to pull all funding and influence the end of such programs.

There is probably much more going on here than just budget cuts as our new governor is also a known religious conservative. Do some research into Brownback's beliefs and changes over the years, especially in Washington. You will find some very scary things.

Anonymous said...

March 5, 2011 12:35 PM

So what you are saying is that if THEY don't want it, it doesn't happen.... I would think the under laying statement is that no one else is willing to spend their money to bring it here.

I am 100% behind anyone who stays TRUE to their convictions. If you don't like it then don't support it.
They are not shutting it down they are saying I will not support it with my money...

So you are blasting them on an anonymous blog because they don't support:
(your words here) 'homosexual or aetheist person was involved in the arts programs'

so be it, find the people that want to see it and have them pay for it through their donations.

Anonymous said...

Well there is no doubt a need and desire for the "ARTS". But, who and when was it decided that all THINGS should be funded or subsidized by/through Taxpayer Dollars!

The ironic thing is that WE KNOW WE CAN'T afford everything WE WANT (services and programs)the Government to support!

So, why when they start indentifying things to cut that don't really effect the CORE services provided by Government?

Do some people (probably ones who could help fund those programs privately) revolt!

The reason they are having to make reductions and even consider moderate to severe cuts is because we have allowed Government (at all levels) to expand beyond its originally intended boundaries!
With all kinds of duplicate and/or redundant programs/services!

Its really remarkable how the PUBLIC views PUBLIC TAX DOLLARS and how they should be spent!
(Who is going to pay? What happens when you can no longer borrow that money? or Push it onto future generations?)

They must have ALL failed Econ 101!

Anonymous said...

Taxes should not be used to buy or support anything! If I choose to buy or support something it should be my personal choice. Taxes are only for running the necessary services that the government MAY provide (police, fire, ambulance, education, and health). Any other expenditure is an abuse of power no matter who would like to spend it. I appreciate the arts and think it worthy of support, but it should never be supported with tax dollars.

Anonymous said...

I love how when someone talks about people on the opposite side of an issue or political spectrum, as the (obviously liberal) poster on March 5, 2011 12:35 PM does, that their views are EXTREME!!! Just because they believe something different than you does not make them "Extreme". Are they blowing up buildings for Jesus? No? Probably not all that "Extreme" in their religious views then, are they?

And I agree that our tax dollars should fund basic core needs, not the arts. Let private funds from people who enjoy such things fund it, or find ways to raise money. Taxpayers who care only about getting through the month with food in the pantry should not have to foot the bill. Do away with all these taxpayer funded programs and lower our taxes so we can eat. Let us spend our money how WE see fit, not how some government entity thinks it should be spent.

Anonymous said...

Real arts can support themselves. If faux journalists can survive in this county then real arts should be able to

Anonymous said...

Dr. Abrams has responded to those who have criticized him for his stance on arts funding by asking them, "What would you cut?" I would be curious to see the responses. I imagine there is a lot of "I don't know" and "I don't care, just don't cut the arts." Maybe we should ask not what our State can do for us but what we can do for our State. We either pay more taxes or do without. I would choose the latter.

Anonymous said...

"What would you cut?"

I think the statement should have read what would you support with your OWN money?

Is it really not surprising that no one wants to pay more in taxes!
(I certainly don't!)

It is also not surprising that people veiw Public tax dollars as a way/means to finance/support just about anything!

But, the fact is that today times/priorities are changing. We want to spend our money on the things we want or choose to support!

Liesure/recreation/entertainment and some of those don't include the more traditional forms of Art!

I think your going to have to do a better job of MARKETING ART(s) to the PUBLIC to find a better way to finance/support the ARTS!

You can't force SUPPLY where there is little to no DEMAND!


Only the Government would support things that lose/waste MONEY!

Btw: I do agree with the supporting and teaching some of the various forms of ARTS in the schools! But, I also see Private Sector options (like performing arts - dance studios - and Private music or Art lessons) that are not supported by Public Tax Dollars!

The question is will you put YOUR MONEY where your MOUTH IS?


Make it a Personal PRIORITY?

Anonymous said...


How many times in just the last few weeks have we heard you say -
No more than it costs or the amount for that project/service - it's really not worth changing?

If you can't pay for it - its worth changing!

If it really has worth/value?

There will be someone/someway to invest/save it!

Anonymous said...

"Maybe we should ask not what our State can do for us but what we can do for our State."

PERFECT response!! It is much like JFK's inaugural speech. However many people forget about what they can do for their city/state/country and all they do is think of themselves and what the government can do for them!!!

Anonymous said...

Prairie Fest is almost dead and the arts around here are on life support. Tax dollars should not be paying for these items. Let the Snells find another way to fleece tax dollars.