Friday, May 27, 2011

Paternal city

The money quote in this story is toward the end and not available online, but I will give it to you.

"The city has very good employees," Chesney said, "but we have low expectations of them. There's too much paternalism."

Wow. Chesney being an interim city manager, with no loyalties nor fear about his job future, can shoot straight and tell it like he sees it. He's painting a picture of a city human resources system that has kept wages low but provided goodies and benefits here and their to keep people happy and loyal.

Sounds more like a small private business than a large public one. I also think this could be fodder for the two lawsuits against the city that claim unequal treatment by their supervisor. Mary Bartlett and Trence Robinson both claim their dept. head mistreated them and ignored rules and procedures.


Anonymous said...

He's painting a picture of a city human resources system that has kept wages low but provided goodies and benefits here and their to keep people happy and loyal.

Are you seriously an editor?

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure I heard the last manager made several significant changes and was in the process of other changes when the last commission stopped him and started throwing up roadblocks (and people out the door). Maybe this isn't new but just wasn't allowed by the ex-commissioners prior to this. Kind of makes you wonder?

Anonymous said...

Wow, I like your quote that two employees claim to have been mistreated by their dept. head. Evidently the City has not learned a thing about following policies and rules. The current fire chief was able to hire his own son as a fireman. Sounds like the good ole boys club is alive and well!

Anonymous said...

It's kind of interesting that some of the "New" critics are ones that haven't been directly related to the area! (i.e. the Interim City manager and the Hospital CEO. I wonder how things really appear through their eyes?)