Monday, July 25, 2011

Epic failure

Great column by former GOP congressman and TV talk show host Joe Scarborough on

I think he gets it right - the Republicans could have had $4 trillion deficit reduction package, 3/4 of it spending cuts, 1/4 increased tax revenues, had they been willing to work with the President and show true leadership.

I don't quite agree that Americans will totally blame the GOP if economic armagedeon occurs - Obama will get plenty of blame too. Course Bill Clinton won the PR battle when government shut down in 1995. Making the republicans look like mean spirited, unreasonable politicians.


Anonymous said...

The only difference with Obama and Clinton was they ended up working together!(With the GOP)

Clinton pushed through welfare reform and together with the GOP balanced the budget! They even ended with a surplus! (Altough they still carried a National Debt.) Clinton also had the advantage of the Internet bubble and the ramp up to Y2K! (Both of those were HUGE economic expansions!)

But Bill Clinton even though he was a Democrat "Knew" that the business and private sectors were the KEY to GROWING THE ECONOMY!

Now with 50% who are paying NO federal income tax and something like 68% (its for sure over 60%) drawing some type of check from the Government!

Its really about Who is going to win the battle for the FUTURE!


Who is going to pay for it!
(Right now its the future generations!)

I think Obama is finding out that Big Government can't get BIG ENOUGH to pay for everything for EVERYBODY!

Btw: Its really too bad that Slick Willy ened his Prsidency with a scandal! He did have some good qualities.

Anonymous said...

I cannot believe that you said the republicans needed to start showing some leadership. Isn't it Obama who is our leader? What leadership has he shown? Where is HIS plan for balancing the budget? They couldn't even PASS a budget when they had a democrat majority. Obama said in March of 2009 that he would cut our deficit in half during his frist term. Instead, he has TRIPLED IT! The republicans are try to cut the outrageous spending practices of this White House, while the President is trying to pass the largest debt ceiling rise in the history of this country, and you think it's the republicans who need to show leadership?


Anonymous said...

Don't blame the Republicans. Didn't Obama come to an agreement during the talks and couldn't even sell his own part on the compromises he had made? And then the democrats wanted to go back and raise taxes?

You need to look at things more realistic and take your blinders off sir.

Anonymous said...

It seems the Politicians have been using a loose definition of the "term default"!

The White House said they would determine who gets paid first (prioritize payments)!

Now it appears it is the treasury who will decide - just who wants to tell the truth!(It seems like its only done (telling the truth) when they have to - go figure!)

Anonymous said...

If the title of this post were referring to Obama's presidency, it would be spot on.

Anonymous said...

We need compromise

We need compromise

We need compromise

Uh, unless it's from our side, then we will stand our ground.


Republicans are already compromising their beliefs by even raising the debt limit. Obama just wants to scare the public into another tax increase. Take Take Take is all this administration is good for... Oh, and spreading that wealth around to dregs of society who do nothing to contribute.

And these calls for bipartisanship, while trying to spam all the inboxes of the republicans, is hypocritical at best. All Obama is worried about is the election. He could care less about the future of this country.

Anonymous said...

Obama just wants to scare the public into another tax increase. Take Take Take is all this administration is good for... Oh, and spreading that wealth around to dregs of society who do nothing to contribute.


I.E. - Just another Executive Community Organizer!

Ray at said...

Obama keeps saying that he inherited this economy. Well, he's right. Anyone worth their weight knows that congress makes economic policy. Before the 2008 election, congress had been controlled by a super majority of democrats for almost two years. All they could talk about was raising taxes, destroying jobs and getting a healtcare law similar to England's or any other socialized country. Mr. president, for once I agrre with you, you inherited an economy from a congress of your own party. It's time to wise up and look back to another guy that inherited a liberal made economy and fixed it. Ronald Reagan.

Anonymous said...

Interesting ignorance to your own truths.

First you say Obamam is our leader. Obviously you slept through your HS classs on governement. There are three branches of government and they must all work together in order for anything of substance to get accomplished. Notice that nothing is getting accomplished.

Of course you do. That's why you immediately follow your ignorant sentence about Obama being the only leader by saying "they".

Clearly, our nation will continue to grind to an impotent halt as long as people immerse themselves in ignorance and avoid discussion of ploicy and priority while, instead, substituting in these adolescent rants on personalities.

When the message received in Wasington is "we want government to work" instead of "we want to know who to blame" someting will finally be accomplished. We have been doing this pointless finger pointing since Nixon got impeached. So sad!