Monday, November 21, 2011

Hispanics on the Plains

Read this New York Times story the other day and thought it could have been written about Ark City. The headline is: As Small Towns Wither on Plains, Hispanics Come to the Rescue.


Anonymous said...

Well Dave there is always two sides to a story!

So, go to the first reader response post at the bottom of the article! I believe her nmae is Grizzly Gal!

She says she is a life long resident of Ulysses!

She doesn't see things the same as you and the people who wrote the original article about how the Hispanics are saving Western Kansas! (Buying property illegaly, letting the property decline in condition, mutiple people/families living in the same residence, etc.!)

She even invites people to come to Ulysses and see - maybe you need to go check it out!

Anonymous said...

How do you buy property illegally?

Anonymous said...

How do you buy property illegally?

My guess is they are buying property under a false indentification? (You know being Illegal!)

But, then who cares about the small details or being honest in todays Society! (SHOW ME THE MONEY-Its all about the money and who's making it!)

I think the real point Grizzly Gal was making - was that they are moving their culture from Mexico to America. Not assimilating or complying with American culture!

The days of the WILD WILD WEST may soon be returning! :)

Btw: I'll bet the citizens (legal and longterm) of Ulysses are worried about the value of their own properties!)

Anonymous said...

Btw: You must not follow this subject very well! The Wichita Eagle had an article (quite awhile back) about how the Hispanics have changed Dodge City!
It hasn't been all for the better (At least for the original citizens).

The Hispanics voted their own people into public positions within that community!

Its kind of a shame where someone (who are the long term residents)could possibly end up being ALIENS in their OWN TOWNS!

Anonymous said...

Here is one last post and I'll leave this subject alone! (I promise).

I recently heard an individual who is dating a mixed Asian/White middle aged lady!

Say, she approached him with an idea of marrying his cousin in a country in Asia! Then bringing her to the USA and living with her for two years. At the end of two years they would resume their own relationship!

He was offered the sum of $10,000
in return for his part!

So, it is no wonder that once people come to America and see the difference - they want to bring others and/or their relatives!

Now if you compound this simple story/proposition multiple times along with the illegals and then figure there are no doubt some takers - what's America going to look like in the future?
Then realize it often takes at least one or two generations - usually the children or grand children to get fully assimilated to the American culture! (If our can even survive!)

Btw: They just had a big media story on how the wealthy women in China are flying to the US to have or give birth to their children on US soil! (Thereby, the Child has dual citizenship!)