Tuesday, November 13, 2007

School bond election

I wonder whether the decision to make the Ark City school bond election a mail in vote will help its passage?

I assume that the school board would not have done it if they didn't think so, but I always thought you wanted to keep voter turnout low on single issue elections, especially when you are asking for a tax increase. The idea being that you target the campaign to those who might support it.

Anyway, I think the mail in vote is a decent idea if it raises the turnout as superintendent Ron Ballard suggests. My guess is that the $36 million measure faces an uphill battle. The district postponed the vote for more time to educate (campaign) the public. The Traveler online poll (unscientific) found a substantial majority opposed it.

It's tough to pass a tax increase in Ark City, which is well below the state average in per capital income. I think the jail bond vote failed in Ark City while winning countywide, and I was told the vote to provide tax money to Big Brothers Big Sister and CASA failed here but won in Winfield. It lost countywide.


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Anonymous said...

Uhmmmmm, ok this time in english please?

Anonymous said...

this is an ad for a website in portuguese

apparently he hacked into hundreds of blogs, not just this one