Monday, June 29, 2009

The conservative choice

Tiahrt is touting his win in a straw poll in Olathe over Moran in the Senate race. This isn't a big surprise, as Tiahrt will be the choice of the religious conservatives, who dominate the GOP in Olathe.

June 29, 2009 316.265.2517

WICHITA – Todd Tiahrt’s decisive 165-46 victory over Jerry Moran in the Olathe Straw Poll Saturday capped a great week for the Tiahrt campaign. Not only did Tiahrt show strong support in a conservative bastion of Johnson County, his campaign organization demonstrated its ability to mobilize volunteers, get out votes and most importantly, to win.

Earlier in the week, the biggest endorsement of the Republican primary went Tiahrt’s way on Thursday, when the state’s most influential pro-life group, Kansans for Life, endorsed Tiahrt. That was followed the next day with dual endorsements from well-known conservative Tony Perkins and Family Research Council. Coupled with the previous week’s endorsements from Phyllis Schlafly, Eagle Forum and Concerned Women for America, Tiahrt had wrapped up early support from some heavy hitters.

There are more than thirteen months before the August 2010 primary and time for many highs and lows for both campaigns. However, until election night, it is hard to imagine either campaign having a better week than Tiahrt did last week.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Mozittis closed?

It appears one of ark city's nicest restaurant's has closed. No official confirmation yet. UDPATE: It's closed. Probably for good.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Health care debate part II

New poll finds big support for public insurance option, similar to Medicare, for everyone. And this blogger asks where Sebelius is in this fight? Republicans are countering on the cost and deficit front - recent polls show Americans also worried about debt and over spending.

Making sense of Iran

Nice to see this traditional news story, making some sense of the splattering of Twitter and YouTube accounts coming from Iran. The NY Times writer is apparently one the of the few Western journalists left in Iran.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Mell's latest

Clean Air organizers are propogandists and racketeers in Mell's world.


Thursday, June 18, 2009

The great health care debate

Getting bogged down in the Senate. Obama wants bipartisan legislation, but don't see how that's possible. This could come down to Arlen Spector, who appears willing to horsetrade with Obama

Monday, June 15, 2009

Sam the man

Looks like Brownback's walk to the gov. mansion just got even easier.

Lowe's lives?

We've heard some rumbling that Lowe's and/or the developer who sought to bring a Lowe's to Ark City in 2007, has revived their interest because of the change in the city commission.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Good joke

Desperation of Kansas Demos Everybody I've talked to seems to have no idea who the Democrats will run for Gov. Maybe Mark Mangino is a Democrat?

Friday, June 12, 2009

Sebelius says talks, but no offer

From the Associated Press

Former Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius has confirmed that she talked to Bill Snyder about serving as her lieutenant governor in 2006 during his break from coaching Kansas State football.

But she said Friday while attending a health care event in
Omaha, Neb., that the talks with Snyder never reached the offer

Synder told a crowd of boosters Wednesday in Winfield that he
was Sebelius' first choice for lieutenant governor after he retired
from coaching in 2005.

But he said he turned Sebelius down after Sen. Pat Roberts and
former Nebraska football coach Tom Osborne advised him against
taking the job.

Sebelius chose Mark Parkinson as her running mate in June 2006.
And Snyder agreed to return to coaching at Kansas State late last

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Gov. Snyder?

At the catbackers dinner last night in Winfield, Coach Bill Synder told a story about Gov. Sebelius asking him to become lt. gov. for her second term. He finally decided against it after Sen. Pat Roberts reminded him that Sebelius could go to D.C., leaving him in line to become Gov. Sebelius told him he didn't have to move to Topeka and could champion a few causes he really believed in.

How about Snyder for Gov. in 2010? He's probably the only one who could beat Sam Brownback. He never did say his party affiliation.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Tiahrt leading the way

Rep. Tiahrt is a true believer in evilness of government. Here's a press release about his failed effort to repeal the stimulus bill, which was mostly political stagecraft because it had no chance of passing

Will Tiahrt credit the stimulus if we start gaining jobs later this year or early next?

Tiahrt Fights for Repeal of Obama ‘Stimulus’ Plan

WASHINGTON—U.S. Congressman Todd Tiahrt (pronounced TEE-hart), R-Kan., today led Republican efforts to rescue taxpayers from the Obama administration’s budget-busting stimulus spending. Tiahrt offered an amendment during a House Appropriations Committee meeting to rescind unobligated money in the Democrats' stimulus spending bill, calling it a miserable failure at helping workers and our economy. The Tiahrt amendment could save taxpayers from borrowing an estimated $600 billion.

Despite unanimous support from Committee Republicans, Democrats voted down the Tiahrt amendment on a straight party-line vote. Tiahrt said he was determined to continue leading the fight to put an end to out-of-control borrowing and spending that has plagued Washington.

"The Obama administration, aided by congressional Democrats, has an insatiable appetite for borrowing and spending taxpayer dollars for failed government programs that do nothing to help our economy or struggling workers find jobs," said Tiahrt. "Today I offered a proposal to get us out of this spending quagmire. Unfortunately, Democrats are unwilling to part with their massive government spending ways.

"Disguised as economic recovery, the so-called stimulus plan has miserably failed the American people. Quite simply, it has not worked. Consider that 1.5 million Americans have lost their jobs since the Obama stimulus bill became law, and then ask yourself why we should borrow money to fund programs that fail to perform.

"I voted against the Democrats' stimulus bill, and now I am leading the effort to repeal it. Kansans are fed up with the broken promises of a better economy, and all taxpayers deserve to get their hard-earned money back. True economic stimulus puts money back in the pockets of Americans, not bigger government programs. That way we can grow the economy from the ground up instead of pursuing the incompetent idea of growing the economy from the government down.

"The government is borrowing money it does not have, inflating programs we do not need, and making promises it cannot keep. I am determined to continue taking this fight to Congress on behalf of every taxpayer who is fed up with what they see coming from Washington."

The Tiahrt amendment, offered during the House Appropriations full committee markup of the Fiscal Year 2010 Commerce, Justice, Science Appropriations bill, targets Division A (discretionary funds) of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. Tiahrt will be introducing a stimulus rescission bill for consideration by the full House later this week.

Poor health

Kansas health institute says Cowley County isn't very healthy - ranked 86 out of 105 counties. Looks like we don't fare too badly in health care and physical environment, but not too good in healthy behaviors and socio-economic factorsHere's the report on PDF. Here's the map.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Language of abortion

Does the incendiary languageof the hard core anti-abortion movement encourage violence against abortion providers?

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Open meetings

My story on the possible violation of open meetings laws by Ark City commissioner(s). This looks fairly innocent. I am glad to see the local prosecutor taking it seriously, though, to nip anything worse in the bud.

Course Mell is defiant and churlish as ever ....