Monday, June 29, 2009

The conservative choice

Tiahrt is touting his win in a straw poll in Olathe over Moran in the Senate race. This isn't a big surprise, as Tiahrt will be the choice of the religious conservatives, who dominate the GOP in Olathe.

June 29, 2009 316.265.2517

WICHITA – Todd Tiahrt’s decisive 165-46 victory over Jerry Moran in the Olathe Straw Poll Saturday capped a great week for the Tiahrt campaign. Not only did Tiahrt show strong support in a conservative bastion of Johnson County, his campaign organization demonstrated its ability to mobilize volunteers, get out votes and most importantly, to win.

Earlier in the week, the biggest endorsement of the Republican primary went Tiahrt’s way on Thursday, when the state’s most influential pro-life group, Kansans for Life, endorsed Tiahrt. That was followed the next day with dual endorsements from well-known conservative Tony Perkins and Family Research Council. Coupled with the previous week’s endorsements from Phyllis Schlafly, Eagle Forum and Concerned Women for America, Tiahrt had wrapped up early support from some heavy hitters.

There are more than thirteen months before the August 2010 primary and time for many highs and lows for both campaigns. However, until election night, it is hard to imagine either campaign having a better week than Tiahrt did last week.


Anonymous said...

Why do you hate conservatives so much? I mean seriously have you EVER written something positive. Yes they have their faults but so do the liberals.

Dustin Schuetz said...

Dont waste your time asking David Allen andy questions because he will not answer you. One thing we do know though, he is good at being negative.

Anonymous said...

I just hate when "religious" and "conservative" are always hand in hand with one another. People, such as myself, can be conservative without being religious.

Anonymous said...

He won't answer those questions because they are rhetorical in nature.

He won't answer you because you are simply trying to stir the pot. Speaking of pots, you saying someone is good at being negative is a perfect example of the pot calling the kettle black.

If you were nearly as significant as you THINK you are, perhaps it would be different. Try a little humility.

Wes said...

Anon @ 3:39 PM (first poster):

Did I miss something? What part of this was negative? To me, it was totally positive towards Tiahrt. Unless you consider the endorsements he received as a negative.

Anonymous said...

poster @ 6:46

Republicans have pushed religion and conservativism to go hand in hand...that is what they run on! If you are not religious then you are democrat! I THINK NOT!

Anonymous said...

Well said Anon at 8:46. The conservative movement has cornered the "religious Protestant Christian" vote the last few decades, even though the majority of their policies are completely against the Bible. Any policy that protects the rich, leads a nation to war, or falls short of being all-encompassing goes totally against what is taught in the Bible. Guess they've mastered the "pick and choose" the parts of the Bible that will get them elected and hope that their voters totally ignore the rest. It has worked well for them...

Derek Vaden said...

Agree with Joweto.

Secondly (and this doesn't apply to Mr. Schuetz), if you were to contact me with a question and I had no idea who you were because you didn't leave a name, I wouldn't answer you either.

Anonymous said...

OFF TOPIC - Why is David Seaton's note about his retirement and all of the things in Winfield appear in the Traveler? Is this yet another way for the newspaper to try to put one city above another?

Do you have the truth and honesty to print this comment or to find a proper place for it?

Anonymous said...

On my previous comment about David Seaton's Winfield notes in the Traveler, I would have signed my name, but I don't have a google account or a name/url. When can the Ark City Traveler be depended on to represent Ark City?

Derek Vaden said...

You don't have to have a url. Just type you name into the name/url space and it will post it. I appreciate you willingness.

Anonymous said...

Dave Seaton's retirement affects the Traveler since he is/was the owner. Are you really that misinformed or just stupid? Seriously...

Anonymous said...

The retirement information was fine, but about half the story is the changes that took place in Winfield at the time.

I can see how the retirement fits in, but it does look like an advertisement for Winfield at the same time.

Anonymous said...

How about setting the Traveler site up so individual stories can be commented on, like the Courier website?

That Breaking News story today is dying to be commented on.