Friday, June 19, 2009

Mell's latest

Clean Air organizers are propogandists and racketeers in Mell's world.



Anonymous said...

This guy is a looney tune. Doesn't he realize he is only hurting himself politically and professionally every time he opens his mouth? The next election cannot come soon enough.

Dustin Schuetz said...

David Allen,

You like to get your little punches in whenever you can don't you? You seem to try and ridicule Mell at every chance. How can you as a man smile and visit with him as you are friends but on your little blog site throw stones at him with your snide remarks.

Why don't you take a look in the mirror before you criticize someone in your paper or on your website. What have you done for anyone lately? When do you donate your time and experience to help people out? Please post this and answer my questions as I am curious to hear your response.

Also, your paper misquoted yesterday saying someone had died, when the real truth is that they are alive and with family. To my knowledge Mell did not go public and try to ridicule you for allowing that to happen now did he? It made you and your paper look insensitive and lacking leadership.

Dustin Schuetz

PS. Quote for you to look into:
"Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones!"

But do respond please.

Anonymous said...

Why should the government dictate what a business owner can or cannot do?

If a store allows smoking, and you object than tell the owner. If the owner were to lose enough customers than most likely they would change their policy. It is still their right to choose.

Anonymous said...

what about employees? They don't get a say. How many people can afford to quit their job because owners, other employees, or customers are smoking? Whose rights are more important the smokers or the non-smokers?

Anonymous said...

They have a chose whether or not to work there don't they??? Don't sign up to work if you don't like the conditions!

Anonymous said...

I see the trash has come to your blog now David.

Anonymous said...

If you are an employee who can't handle the smoke, quit. I'm sure you can find another job anywhere. Maybe Mr. Kuhn will hire you since he thinks smoker's rights are more important than yours. And if you can't find another job, blame it on the government propaganda. I think our civic leader is blowing as much smoke as any cigarette smoker.

Anonymous said...

I read Kuhn’s article, he never said any thing about smoker rights, and if you don’t think that there is government propaganda I have a bridge for sale. Like the propaganda from the tabloid called the Traveler, it’s all about sensationalism not news, that’s boring, we need to dress it up, cause a stir at any cost you know only print bad things.

They have an agenda just like you poster 6-22 9:30 AM

Wyatt E. Le Tiest said...

I would warrant a bet that Mell has sold more papers for the Traveler in the last 3 years than any other 3 year stint that the Traveler has been operating. That "fact" should give both the paper and Mell pause as I'm sure it grates at them both. Sometimes relationships just work out like that. I believe the majority would support Mell's views at most every turn even though the delivery might be difficult at times for them to accept. All in all and on the whole I say we are far better off for his involvement and we should be thankful if more would step up like him and contribute their efforts. I think you have to be pretty impressed like him or not for someone to take that much abuse as he has and keep on ticking like the energizer rabbit. There is a resilience (sp?) and commitment to service there we can all learn from.