Friday, December 9, 2011


What is wrong with people?

First the city removed the gazebo from Ben Givens park downtown due to vandalism, now they have removed the wooden statue of the train conductor in front of the Park Park engine. Makes you want scream! Next, we'll have to use roll down metal gates in front of stores.

More seriously, what can be done from a city/law enforcement approach toward vandalism preventing-punishment to slow this stuff down?


Anonymous said...

Why is it that people like you see the only answer as coming from "Law Enforcement"?

If a community can't foster respect for it's heritage and/or public property? How do you expect one entity consisting of a few Public Servants to do that JOB!

There will be Pranks or Mischief
- there always has been - but the tone of respect and fiscal accountability/conservation can only be set by adult examples!

Someone knows who has done this vandalism - it's time they came forward and restitution is made and confidence is restored!


You can continue to let just a Few ruin things for the Rest!

Anonymous said...

Sorry Traveler but it now appears that the statue in the park was taken down because of rot and not "vandals".....Would it not be prudent to check your facts before you go off on your tangent. Should we now be suspect of all you write as just your free speach ability to flow from your buckets of ink or a series of ones and zeros from cyber space. So please start checking your facts before you blame us vandals for something we didnt do. Makes me so mad i want to go break something!

Ray at said...

Part of the problem with vandalism is that its illegal to stomp a mud hole in the vandals themselves. Society has leaned to much on law enforcent officers to solve their problems instead of fixing it them on their own. Violence aint the answer to everything, but a good ole cowboy beatin would sure make them think twice about vandalizing things. It also has alot to do with the upbringing the parents are doing and the type of enviroment our schools provide for kids. When parents won't discipline, and the teachers can't discipline, you have kids that don't care because they aren't afraid of the consequences.