Thursday, May 26, 2011

Legalize it?

There's quite a spirited debate going on in the comment section of this story about a drug bust in Ark City. The discussion turned toward whether marijuana should be legalized.

It is intermixed with comments about the police being overzealous and harassing young people for having a little pot (or anybody having a little pot).

You can support legalizing, as more and more people do, and which in my opinion will happen eventually, even in our conservative heartland.

But the police are doing their job by investigating and arresting people, regardless of their age, for possession, using and selling pot. Don't get mad at them for doing their job.

Yes, I suppose they could de-prioritize non violent marijuana crimes, and I don't know that's not the case now, but as long as its an illegal drug that can lead to other problems, they are doing what our society is asking.

The ire should be directed at state lawmakers, national lawmakers, and perhaps even local lawmakers. I suppose a city or county could decriminalize pot to some degree, but that ain't going to happen before something happens on the state level.


Anonymous said...

So do you want to leagalize Meth too?

You can grow your own Pot - you can make Meth!

What makes you think that leagalizing/regulating it will stop any of the "Black Market"?


It will be cheaper and stronger on the "Black Market". (Stonger than anything regulated through legalization.)


Its a "Gateway Drug"! I don't care what anyone says - it will always be associated with the Harder and even more addictive choices!

Anonymous said...

Lets get down to the truth. I would like to tell the ding dong above that if Cannabis is the gateway drug I wanna call out caffeine, sugar and nicotine as the gateway drugs. All far more addictive than cannabis. Plus I should refer this man to the report released by the Global Committee on Drugs. It says THE WAR ON DRUGS IS FAILING. Google it my friend and educate yourself.