Thursday, May 26, 2011


No doubt Democrats are using scare tactics when it comes to GOP plans for cutting back Medicare spending.

Kill Medicare
Punish Seniors
Abandon promises

But what's good for the goose is good for the gander in politics.

Scare tactics, right worked to score politic points during the health care debate, helping the GOP take back the House of Representatives.


Government takeover of health care
death panels
pulling the plug on grandma

While the GOP cries shame on you, they certainly recall that Democrats are taking a page out of their playbook, when they say the GOP budget would kill Medicare and make seniors pay more, while giving oil companies big tax breaks.

Of course both sides justify their rhetoric because they see the world differently. However it would be nice fi both sides would cut the fear mongering and demogogery, at least some. This is a pipe dream when it comes to politics, esp. in the 24 hour news cycle.


Anonymous said...

Well Social Security and Medicare are forms of Socialistic Programs!
So in that sense we are already practicing Socialism! (Scared yet?)

We have examples TODAY of how those type Programs are working and NOT WORKING IN EUROPE!

If not corrected you will see the same type of response (riots) on the streets of USA. Just like in Europe!

Maybe not today or tommorow - but when it can no longer support the number of people or obligations its required to meet!

Then guess who will have to decide what you GET! (It's probably not gonna be the same people making the decisions TODAY!)

Anonymous said...


The more you reduce "diversity and options" the less room there will be for "competition of goods and services"!

In our form of Government:

The Government does have a distinct role of protecting it's citizens from corrupt businesses/businessmen-women!
(Who is protecting us from the corrupt Politicians?)

But it shouldn't be the Governments role to provide all the solutions/answers! (There are other forms of Governments that do that! i.e. Socialism and Communism!)