Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Reasonable Repubicans

Be nice if GOP leaders took some advice from New York Times columnist David Brooks. While is one of the liberals' favorite Republican (he often takes moderate stances) he makes oodles of sense in this column about the debt ceiling impasse.


Anonymous said...

If the debt ceiling talks fail, independent voters will see that Democrats were willing to compromise but Republicans were not. If responsible Republicans don’t take control, independents will conclude that Republican fanaticism caused this default. They will conclude that Republicans are not fit to govern.

And they will be right.


Maybe not!

Maybe they will be reminded of a Democraric Party which when in the majority - grew Government at a rate unseen in modern politics!
(The spending spree, record unemployment, record numbers on food stamps and other Social Programs!)
That those people in charge were more interested in a Universal healthcare plan - which took the whole first year rather than creating jobs!
That the Democratic Parties real objective is to pick and choose the winners and losers using Government and not by TRUE COMPETITION/Responsible actions and efforts!
That is is the sole reponsibility of Government to provide for the GENERAL WELFARE of all its Citizens!
That while there are already laws GOVERNING things like Immigration -
they must be interpreted to meet modern day standards and not enforced as they are written!


That in end they believe that WE THE PEOPLE aren't capable of Governing themselves as a Democracy/Republic!
That Sociialism surely can be the only answer!

Anonymous said...


If your goal is to hold the Democrats in higher esteem?

Don't forget when they were in the majority they failed to pass a budget! (One of their primary responsibilities - I won't forget!)

Personally I am digusted with both parties - the American People Deserve better than what they are offering!

The REAL PROBLEM is too much POWER centralized in Washington D.C.

Anonymous said...

Isn't OBAMA willing to cut social security????

Not all the blame begins and ends with the Republicans. It's an issue for both sides to take the blame and also work together.

But as an extreme liberal I can see why you believe it's always always the Republican's at fault.

Anonymous said...

Anybody who thinks Obama has been a good leader to this country has their head somewhere stinky. November 2012 can not get here fast enough.

Anonymous said...

Sorry but I thought the headline "REASONABLE REPUBLICANS" was the perfect introduction to a comment about that SORRY S.O.B. Republican Rupert Murdoch. Many of you republicans may not know (cause they don't have the story on FOX news) that his UK news company is amidst a scandal that the company was hacking into peoples voice mails to create news and/or get the scoop first. This icludes hacking into the phones of fallen soldiers and family, and victims of crimes. This includes a missing persons phone whom their family was led to believe was still alive because MURDOCH's news company hacked in and deleted messages to make room for new messages to come through. This is Disgusting!! This man, his business model, his employees, his mantra, recipients of his donations, ALL DISGUSTING. The republican mantra is morality and they have him leading the way. Perfect face of Republicanism!
It's too sad that many good people who are republican, for whatever reason: uneducated, religious reasons, taught not to question status quo, short sightedness, intolerance, blind leading the blind, or rich business men, whatever the case may be. They need to know that their man is crooked. I laugh that he won't put the scandal about himself on his American news stations. He thinks if he can hide it no one here will know. I say BS and now you sheep republicans can and should investigate for yourself.

(!)Homosexuals don't ruin marriage. Divorcees do!!!(!)

Anonymous said...

What republican political office does Rupert Murdoch hold again? Or are we just going to label anyone in the news a democrat or republican now so we can politicize it? I wonder.. Is Casey Anthony a Democrat? Her views on abortion would say yes.

Anonymous said...

Btw: "Never let a Good Crisis go to Waste" - Rham Emanuel

Myabe a defualt in theory isn't a default in reality?

Anonymous said...

What, no article about Obama using scare tactics when he threatened Social Security recipients that they won't get a check on August 3rd unless his debt ceiling is raised? If a Republican had said something like that you would be all over it.

Anonymous said...

What, no article about Obama using scare tactics

Its kind of hard to believe that the USA ended up being ruled by a bunch of Kings and Queens. That was never the intent of the original founding fathers. (Beisdes they could have been my neighbor or from my own town/state - What makes them BETTER than ME?)

That (often) through only one election cycle they are willing to derail the whole system?

It might be time to consider making the White House and Congress a homeless shelter!:0 ;)!

Btw: If you don't think they are BETTER - they have their own Healthcare Plan - for themselves and their Aides! (Their Aides???)

Madoff probably can't top this one!