Just because the public wants something doesn't mean it is always a good policy decision for lawmakers. But poll after poll shows public support for raising taxes along with spending cuts to reduce the federal deficit.
So Republicans should certainly make their argument that they don't believe raising taxes is good for the country or the economy, but they need to stop saying American people don't want taxes raised as part of the solution.
It's hard to tell whether the hard right in Washington is against the size of govt., or against the deficit itself. If the size of government is their biggest concern, then I can see why they don't want increased revenues. But if the deficit is the problem, its a no brainer to include them in any solution.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
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Poll after poll?
I do not know of anyone here locally wanting to pay more taxes. I do know several people, me included, that want to cut wasteful spending.
Why not stop aid to Pakistan when they were hiding Bin Laden? Why not cut off welfare leeches? Why not stop allowing food stamps and other benefits for illegals?
We should not have to raise the debt ceiling. Obama failed to pass a budget. The budget he wanted to pass got zero votes, even from democrats. Obama has beena miserable failure as a president, and now he is trying to scare grandma and grampa by saying social security won't get paid, which is a lie meant to scare people into voting for this.
I think there is some agreement amoung both sides that closing many of the tax loop holes (given to the usually more wealthy and to corporations) and reforming the tax code is a better plan than just raising taxes!
The problem is it will take TIME to arrive at that type of arrangement/agreement!
By changing the tax code you can reduce taxes while still raising more revenue - example a National Sales tax! (Flat tax)
Just like with Obamacare and several other so called crisises during the present administration -we wait till the last minute and then PUSH through a DEAL! (So much for leadership - We just have to settle for Crisis management!)
Btw: If you haven't noticed the prices for many of the everyday commodities keeps rising for everyone - So where do you think people are going to get all that extra money for those additional taxes? (You have to also remember that something close to 50% pay no taxes at all - Right NOW! Other than things like sales tax!)
Besides, as more money is witheld or withdrawn in the form of Federal subsidies or dsitributions to the States/Counties/Cities (Local Govenments, like School districts etc.) - the increased cost and loss of Federal revenue of those State and Local Govt. programs is then passed onto their taxpayers and is also increasing the amount of the local taxes!
(Several States have recently had to increase fees for their colleges etc. and many of the States already have their own deficits - Like unfunded public retirement plans!)
Its a vicious CYCLE/CIRCLE!
I'm positive I don't want my taxes raised, with the price of food, gas, utilities and lack of a raise how can I afford to pay even more. YES that would hurt the economy as I'm sure many people are like me.
Why do you believe everything is always the Republicans fault? Seems to me as the democrats had full control of the white house and both chambers of congress and look where we are. They got nothing accomplished except saying how great it was to be in control. In fact, I believe they shut Republicans out of any type of talks. Perhaps you should also look for fault in the Democrats.
I'd say its issues with BOTH parties. I fully agree that Obama is trying to use scare tactic about social security, military pay etc not being met in the next few weeks. I got an idea, let's NOT pay the people in DC that can't agree on anything. Perhaps if their pay was in jeopardy they'd hurry up and settle this mess.
I say raise taxes AND reduce the spending. I am a registered Republican but am becoming an Independent. I can’t stand the NO compromise stance of the leaders in both parties.
Yes the tax cut under Pres. Reagan ignited the economy, but was the economy already in the cycle/wave where it was going to grow? The tax cuts of Pres. G. W. Bush sure didn’t help the economy grow.
And don’t forget that we are fighting 3 wars that are funded off budget. If it is right to fight those wars, it is right to pay for them.
Yes the tax cut under Pres. Reagan ignited the economy, but was the economy already in the cycle/wave where it was going to grow?
I don't think you can compare the tax cuts under Reagan or Bush to the present situation TODAY!
There is far more under water than above water in todays situation. (Maybe we should say its only the tip of the ice berg.)
Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae are the primary holders of the toxic loans from the Housing bubble! Most of that was purchased by the Bernanke and Co. They have yet to resolve that debt.(Taxpayer's liability.)
Another area you can't compare with any other adminsistration! Is the fact that we have entered the start of a massive amount of Babby Boomers entering retirement.(SS and Medicare - I don't recall the exact figures but it is something like 8000/day!)
Btw: They knew that was going to happen - its NO SURPRISE!
9.2% unemployment, record numbers on food stamps, just under 40 weeks avg. from unemployment to re-employment and most of the States that are underwater on their own debt!
We didn't have as many immigrants entering the country under Reagans watch - although it certainly wasn't addressed under Bush. (Even though the Democrats were in control - it still wasn't addressed!)
You are right about the Military action and that debt - but even Kuwait paid us for part of the Gulf War - under Daddy Bush!
Why aren't we seeking payment in Oil for our actions in the Middle East! (I bet they would want us out of there in a hurry if we seized Oil in payment for the POLICE ACTIONS we are Providing! How about seeking payment for damages from 9/11? material as well as economic!)
So you really can't compare the present with the past - a lot of the things that have accelerated/ progressed/escalated over a period of time are all coming due at ONCE!
Those bills are stacking up!
What at time to have a bunch of Socialist trying to run the SHOW!
Their answer?
Just print or borrow more money!
Let the future generations pay for it!
Btw: If we are in the Middle East partially at the request of the Saudis and other countries? Maybe they should pay us as well - Because you know the minute we pull out IRAN will advance to fill the vaccuum thats left!
China needs to clean up its act on manipulating its currency!
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