Monday, October 22, 2007

Brownback for governor

One last Brownback post, I promise.

Kansas Week, a show on Kansas politics/issues on public television, (Wichita Channel 8) had a very interesting discussion of Brownback and his political career.

All the stories about him mentioned that he probably will run for Kansas Governor in 2010. But — as was mentioned —there are lots of high-profile Republican candidates who might seek that job, including Rep. Todd Tiahrt, Rep Jerry Moran, and Sec. of State Rod Thornburgh.

The big question is, would Brownback run hard to the right, a la Phill Kline, or would he try to moderate and be the kindler gentler Sam Brownback of late?

It was mentioned that Brownback's views on immigration and aid to African were more moderate than the typical social conservative. This could position him well for a general election in Kansas, where voters seem to like moderates to run the state.

But certainly some of the Republican heavyweights would run for Brownback's senate seat in 2010. He has said he will not seek a third term. This would clear the field some for whomever ran for Governor, i.e. Brownback.

Certainly the Republican Party of Kansas, fractured as it is, longs for the Governorship. The best horse, however, is probably not Brownback or Tiarht, but somebody like Moran or Thornburgh who appeals more to the middle. But Brownback's presidential bid might give him the credititials to woo the state for Governor.

My guess is that Moran will run for Brownback's Senate seat and not Governor.

As was mentioned on Kansas Week, the Republican Party of Kansas is way more fractured now (between conservatives and moderates) than it was in 1994 when Brownback was first elected to Congress.

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