Friday, March 14, 2008

banning tin

Wonder if the proposed ordinance banning tin and other materials covering up windows will stir up as much fuss as the yard parking ban.

This is politically risky because some prominet property owners will probably stand on their hind legs. Jim Sybrant already is building steam, according to the article in today's paper.

I personally like that city officials are pushing this. I realize there's an expense but at some point we have to create standards for appearance. I do think, though, that the city should try to find a way to help lower income folks pay to have glass or plastic or whatever material is acceptable to fill the windows.

The worst culprits are downtown, which is the city's crown jewel that needs polishing. I hope city officials, unlike the yard parking ban, stand their ground and approve this even though a vocal opposition may emerge. Sometimes the popular, or what appears to be the popular, thing is not the right thing.

OK, blast away at me.


Anonymous said...


I agree!
It sure would be nice to ride through, or even walk through our 'great downtown' and see a grand beautification project such as getting those tin windows replaced.

Once again, AMEN!!!

Anonymous said...

I can foresee a lot of excitement in the next few days. The owners of downtown buildings that live in Ark City are going to come out kicking and screaming. The fact that they let this problem build over the last 20 and that the owners avoided their responsibilities for so long that they finally crossed the line.

I would guess that many of the people that were against the Lowe's will be against this. These owners are the last people to want to put a little money or effort into improving our city.

Anonymous said...

Well,I would simply say, "tough luck" to them. No more excuses.
When someone tried to help them with knowledge of historic buildings they balked at it, now perhaps it will be mandatory.


Anonymous said...

Well I do not see that many people being that heated about this simply because the effect of or cost of doing away with the tin windows is not going to effect the pockets of the city public at large. The Lowe's deal was seen as tax dollars being giving to some ome who could just come in and start a business with money of thier own, but wanted the citizens of this town to CO-OP the venture with no great benefit to them.
So in short somebody is going to have to replace some windows with thier own money

Jean Snell said...

The Burford windows are drawn and submitted to the state folks for approval. That is a major project for this summer.

That said, I quote David Allan. "Sometimes the popular, or what appears to be the popular, thing is not the right thing."

Seems that this might be applicable to more than one recent decision.

Anonymous said...

I believe that governments of any size should stay out of private property owner's business, and let them do with their property as they see fit, to a degree that no dangers arise from it.

Anonymous said...

I think that is a good part of it. The buildings are hurting business downtown. The metal windows pose a danger when they have fallen out in the past, and if the fire department should have to open them up in a fire.

Whose business does the city protect. The people who let their buildings fall apart, or the other business owners trying to make good.

Besides from what I hear most of the businesses rent these buildings from out of town owners. Don't the renters deserve better?

Anonymous said...

The city appears to be trying to do what is best for the town. The property owners are telling the commission what they can or can't do.

It is obvious who runs this town. The commission is just a sham.

Anonymous said...

It's not that obvious to some. Share with the lesser knowledgeable such as myself. Who runs the city. People often use that phrase. Some like to say, "The powers that be."

Curiousity has finally gotten the better of me. I am asking. Who are these people. Is it certain individuals or is there some secret organization or perhaps a certina business or group of businesses?

Who is running this town?

Anonymous said...

Home National and their cohorts. They have their hands pretty deep in the college too.

Anonymous said...

If they had the control Lowe's would have gone through. The people controlling the town and the commission prevented Lowe's.

I doubt there is anyone willing to speak out against them. Certainly not the commission.

Anonymous said...

There is no conspiracy.

" I am opposed to granting tax rebates for the proposed "box store" retail development. As a point of interest - The road, parking and utilities are not included in the tax rebate, they are in addition to.

Granting a tax rebate to a "big box store" retailer will not generate new dollars coming into our community." Mel Kuhn - April 2007

As far as the potential tax deal for the proposed big box retailer out North, I still have a lot of questions about it. As it stands right now, I don't see how I could support it. It looks to me that the tax incremental financing structure as proposed could do more harm than good to our community. While I applaud those who have worked to get an option like this to town, I'm concerned that this just isn't the right time and that we are certainly considering giving way too much away. I hope we can concentrate our efforts on rolling out the red carpet for manufacturing jobs instead. - Scott Margolis - April 2007

" Absolutely not! I will not do anything that will further jeopardize our existing businesses. New retail would only be coming for the purpose of profit. Let them come on their own money, not ours. Free enterprise is great system, but not when subsidized by the tax payers."- Dottie Smith - April 2007

They were all very vocal about the big box before they were ever voted into office.

Anonymous said...

Last post.....VERY impressive. I can't believe someone actually did research and presented facts. You know what is unbelieavable is this is the first time I have heard this printed anywhere. I wonder why the paper never did a follow up on this issue from this angle. Hmmm, let's see. Local officials have a certain platform they run on where they tell people publicly where they stand on a specific issue before they are elected. Then, after they are elected, they follow through with what they said they'd do. For shame!