Thursday, March 27, 2008


Todd Tiahrt is making a stop through Ark City today. While the Republicans face a tough election cycle, I'm doubtful Tiahrts seat is that vunerable. My guess is that Democrats will devote most of their energy into keeping Nancy Boyda's seat in the north.

That said, state Sen. Don Betts will probably pull some significant support from the inner city of Wichita and could get some coattails from an Obama wave, if one occurs.

Tiahrt is vunerable on health care and a bad economy in general. He also must explain his support for the ongoing war and Boeing's failure to get the Tanker Deal.


Anonymous said...

I bet he is only vulnerable to democrats who think the same way on issues as your post.

The election cycle is looking alot tougher for the democrats lately than the republicans!

Politics 101 said...

McCain benefits from the Obama-Clinton fued, but Republicans as a whole face an uphill battle this year.

Anonymous said...

Betts would be a long shot to beat any poplular Republican if he were to run for something. There is no need to replace Tiahrt. Dems should stop trying an invest their money and effort trying to increase welfare benefits and other government handouts for their constituents.

Anonymous said...

Sweet -- someone I agree with!!

Anonymous said...

At the same time the campaign manager for McCain was negotiating the deal for EADS and bringing in contracts to other Texas military contractors, Kansas has Tiahrt and Roberts, both in very influential positions. They are all vocal now that the deal has gone wrong, but what were they doing to land the deal in the first place?

Kansas needs politicians who will proactively bring economic pork to Kansas, not sleep under their desks.

What were the Roberts issues? I remember junkets to Africa, etc. How does that represent Kansas?

Where is Dole when you need him? I don't think Bob would have let this one fail.

Anonymous said...

There are people who are scared of change and then thier are people who embrace change for the better.McCain seems to want to stay away from change for the future of America. If he can not find his own weapons to try to stop the democrats in this election he will make a weak president. In any good fighter they size up thier oppoinent aginst thier own strength if they have any. And not hide behind the skirt of a women!