Monday, February 9, 2009

Sebelius to D.C.

Seems like a real possibility. Wonder, though, if she'd be the one to push the massive health care reform Obama seeks.


Anonymous said...

what happened to her wanting to stay put in kansas to help with the budget? I guess that was just BS b/c she didn't get a position a month ago huh? Would you please check that out for us.

Anonymous said...

What???? I thought she took her name out of the running to help rescue Kansas b/c of the bad economic downturn. HAHAHA....I wonder how many idiots really bought that. She originally saw she wasn't going to get a cabinet position so fed everyone with that line of crap. She was just back until something better came along. I guess this shows just how much cared for state. She'd been running off kissing up to Obama. Looks like it might have worked. Good riddence...if you don't want us we don't want you.

Anonymous said...

Let her go......

charles said...

So, what exactly would you expect anyone to say under such circumstances?

I think her response was a gracious way to bow out since she was not selected. However, opportunity has re-presented itself and it would foolish not to take the possibility seriously.

Sometimes we act as if these folks don't live in the same world with us. People deserve decency and ought to be able to act or react with dignity.

bytedaily said...

If offered, I hope Sebelius turns it down. She is needed in Kansas and should run for Senate in 2010.

Let Dean take on HHS.

Anonymous said...

True we are free to change our mind but she shouldn't tell people she's coming back to save us and then leave as soon as something better comes along. I think she truly owes the TRUTH to the people of Kansas. Not some BS politically correct answer. Don't get me wrong, she should take the position but don't treat me (or any resident of this state) like we're stupid and that she was going to really help the state in this time of financial uncertainty. If she was sincere she'd stay. Obviously she wasn't.

Or perhaps she should have said when she didn't get the position the first time around "Hey I'm sticking with you until something better comes along" Her reasoning was total BS and we all know it...that is what irks me about politicians.

Anonymous said...

I don't even know why any one would want to be in politics right now, neither party is trying to come together and work the budgets out. I get so tired of hearing the republicans this or the democrats that. Its childish, stupid and time to think of the people that voted for them instead of their own agenda

Anonymous said...

Well, bless our hearts. Gov. S., I'm told has the possiblity of heading upwards on the totem pole.

Good luck Kansas, Good luck USA, and Good Luck Gov. S.