Monday, February 21, 2011

Agreement No. 2

This agreement makes more sense.

The first severance agreement between Ark City and Lane Massey, the former director of administration, was tilted heavily toward Massey — he kept his right to sue and to speak out if he wanted to. He also got paid through March 31 regardless of whether he worked through March 31. The updated agreement appears to pay him only through Jan. 14 - the day he actually left work.

Sounds like city commissioners are OK with this agreement, at least as an improvement over the first one they claim they knew nothing about.


Anonymous said...

They did not know anything about this one until it was completed. Since they allowed the City Manager and Attorney to handle this agreement it sounds like they were not truthful about their knowledge of the other agreements.

Anonymous said...

Why do you keep saying they claim they knew nothing about..... they told you the then city manager confirmed and told you he didn't tell them. Yet you keep saying it.

Anonymous said...

There's hidden information with other financial benefits for Massey. They won't show it but they would acknowledge other details exist if asked by the press.

Anonymous said...

to anonymous @'s b/c the editor likes to get people stirred up.

Anonymous said...

"Why do you keep saying they claim they knew nothing about...."

Exactly! The City Commission was duped, and rather cleverly I might add. Obviously the old convenience store on Madison was torn down as a distraction. As several city commissioners ran around trying to figure out why they weren't told about the demolition, this sneaky agreement was passed right under their noses.

Anonymous said...

Case stated for micro-management. If the commissioners didn't know [there little birds were falling down on the job] then they sure as hell should have. There are two seeking re-election, maybe the citizens should micro-manage them - OUT!

Anonymous said...

The City Manager said the Commissioners knew about the agreements but told him to handle the details. Get your facts straight.

Anonymous said...

Just because you don't like the fact doesn't mean they are not the facts.

Anonymous said...

Is the Traveler pursuing obtaining the Hill severance documents from the county, or are you just letting them get away with it?

Anonymous said...

You just don't get much of a following on here do ya Dave? Not to be too critical, but I thought a good journalist would be able to envoke the thoughts of the public if he so chose to operate a blog. In lieu of that, a good journalist should exhaust every opportunity to obtain the complete story, ESPECIALLY on local issues. Perhaps if you would pursue the latter, the former would ignite?!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said... You just don't get much of a following on here do ya Dave? March 1, 2011 1:43 PM

I don't think the fault is on David. I think it is the pre-pubescent responses that drive down the interest.

People don't seem to be able to discuss issues on here. It just turns into personal attacks and derogatory labels which highlight our ignorance and intolerance within the readership area.

Anonymous said...

I don't think the fault is on David. I think it is the pre-pubescent responses that drive down the interest.

People don't seem to be able to discuss issues on here. It just turns into personal attacks and derogatory labels which highlight our ignorance and intolerance within the readership area.

Well I think the IGNORANCE AND PRE-PUBESCENT comment ranked right up there with a PERSONAL ATTACK!

What do you think?

Nice work!

Anonymous said...

Ignorance by definition is an absence of knowledge or to speak without knowledge of a matter.

To be without knowledge is not personal. It's ignorant.

To fail to host a conversation, offer comment or pertinent point on a topic is indicative of an immature mindset.

In either instance one can be who they are and simply change a behavior.

I thatf offends, change the behavior. Make intelligent and thoughtful comments on the topic while respecting the thoughts offered by others.

That's what I think. Just grow up.