Friday, July 1, 2011

No strike!

Thanks goodness for this.

I've asked some GE workers whey they think a segment of the population is so critical of them. They think its jealousy -- lots of folks have applied out there but its hard to get on.

Its a bit baffling to me. GE is one of the last places in our area with high paying manufacturing jobs that you can support a family on and retire comfortably. Should we value and support this type of employment, not snipe at it? Whether you like or dislike unions, or don't really care, the $50 million payroll out there is the boulder upon which our economy stands.

And, GE workers seem to get along well with local managers. I frankly think the positive relationship between executives and workers is admirable.


Anonymous said...

It speaks volumes that they think everyone is jealous of them. I don't think it's jealousy. I have never applied at GE. Why would anyone want to work 2nd shift for 30 years?

I do think GE is good for the area, but I think people get tired of hearing their unions complain because they aren't getting enough. They should be happy they have a good paying job instead of constantly whining because they don't get paid enough.

Anonymous said...

unions built this country, without them you would be nothing more than a sweat shop slave.
three must be a clear seperation between those who can and those who cannot

Anonymous said...

Anonymous @ 9:13am July 1
Sonds like the very jealous comments people mentioned.

You resent people that did get hired there. What? No one works first shift?? That was just a silly comment by a jealous person.

Maybe consider that the pay for all those union workers is almost equal to the compensation that the top five executives for GE are given.

The people doing the work have to almost beg for a raise while the CEO has deal that will pay him milllions of dollars if he leaves for any reason inlcuding gets bored, gets fired or takes another million dollar job with another company. Stop hating on the working class people.

Anonymous said...

Your attitude only proves my point about looking down on others in the community, even though some of us make far more than you do.

Like I said, I have never applied at GE, but I have friends who work there. I have a college degree and a high paying career, and do not need to look for work in a factory environment. I am not "jealous" of your job.

And whether you like it or not, working second shift for 30 years is a big reason why many people around here do not apply at GE.

Unions are a plague on this country, and an antiquated system of governing workers and employers. There are laws in place now that makes unions obsolete, but the union folks use them to stay employed and get good benefits instead of relying on their job performance like the rest of us. Don't be surprised when your union thuggery drives your jobs overseas. It will happen, as it has with so many other companies.

And you wonder why people get sick of hearing about your threats to strike every year or two..

Anonymous said...

Unions have outlived their usefullness here. They should go to China or Mexico & help workers there.