Monday, October 24, 2011

Museum politics

The museum has taken some heat from Chris Mayer, the archeologist at Cowley College, who is very critical of how the museum board is changing the museum. As an archeologist, he has some standing on issues of preservation and local history. However, I haven't seen anything that supports his claims that the museum is tossing stuff out on a haphazard basis. In a reorganization, some things would have to be moved around, or even discarded, if they were not of any historical value, one would think.

I did not attend the new exhibit opening but plan to see them. I think promoting and honoring the history of Gov. Docking and the Docking family is a great idea, long overdue.

I was a little shocked at how the Indian fort was destroyed. Perhaps disposing of it was a good idea, but it did have a feel of disregard to past efforts at recognizing Native American history. It wasn't subtle.

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