Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Koch heart Pompeo

The Washington Post lays out ties between Koch Industries and Congressman Mike Pompeo. This is one of those deals where special interests and political decisions dovetail. Pompeo ran as an ultra conservative, anti-regulation candidate, so it should be no surprise that he's pushing that agenda, as he says. He's in the oil equipment business. The Koch's are in the oil business.

The fact that his first specific legislative efforts were on the list of Koch Industry goals does make you wonder how much he might feel beholden, or just close, to them.

With money in politics it always raises a spector of corruption, but that seems unavoidable in the system we have. The overall question of allowing unlimited corporate donations will only serve to deepen that spector, on both sides of the aisle although GOP will likely benefit the most.


Anonymous said...

Of course

Anonymous said...

Your Dad just had a Front Page article on the Horizontal Drilling going on in Kay County South of Ark City. There were pictures of a Million Dollar Rig the operators and the technology.

So the question you have to ask yourself is who is it that has that kind of money to invest - even possibly lose - drilling today?

We spent over a century building a society based on oil! It may change a some point but probably not that much in our lifetime!