Monday, March 7, 2011

The right to be offensive

The Supreme Court got it right in ruling in favor of the Westborough Baptist Church in the funeral protest case. The court voted 8-1, with liberals and conservatives united, except for Samuel Alito

As repugnant as the Phelps clan's claims are, restricting political speech starts a slippery slope. What might be next — signs of Obama as Hitler, or Bush before him. This case was a bit tricky because they target a funeral of individual military soldiers. But the Phelps are smart, and they don't violate local rules against picketing and they don't target the individuals per say, but America and the military in general.

We have the right to be offended. We are a big country and can take it. The neat thing about our open society is that others also exercise their rights by gathering to block the protestors from view. The problem, in a way, takes care of itself by protecting the general individual rights to speech and assembly.


Anonymous said...

Fred Phelps and his band of misfits have been protesting for I believe over 30 years now. This is really nothing all that new. It was not until after 9/11 that they began doing the funeral protests. Prior to that they could be seen in front of catholic churches, concert halls, school music programs, and anywhere else that they may have associated with homosexuality. I remember seeing Phelps klan in front of youth symphony concerts, childrens ballet performances, touring rock concerts, comedian performances.

As often happens in Kansas, while they were attacking the "liberals" they were almost ignored, except for the ocassional comic event at art fundraisers.

One thing is for sure, do not confront or attack them, they will find out who you are and make you pay. Many in the family are very good lawyers and they have funding from many sources, even now. Many many on the far right actually would rather put up with the junk that they do at funerals and see it continue as they still see it as matching conservative christian views against homosexuality. They have the money, the time, and the evil within them to make anyone who takes them on extremely sorry they did so.

Dustin Schuetz said...


I find myself wondering why you are even covering this topic. If I owned a newspaper I would not waste one drop of ink on that horrible group of people.

Truth be told, if you had served your country then you might think differently. Sometimes you might want to think about others and not just you and your newspaper for a change. Constitutional rights or not, the less exposure these idiots receive might help them throttle back on their appearances.

Anonymous said...

"The neat thing about our open society is that others also exercise their rights by gathering to block the protestors from view. "

I wish I could've blocked your full-color front-page pic of them from my view. You aren't from around here, are you?? Topeka and Lawrence no longer put them on the front page.

These clowns really confuse the right. "Hate gays?? Hey - that's MY message," but I don't get a lefty like yourself giving them the front page. This is nowhere near a landmark decision, nor was it unexpected. Trying to sell papers by putting them on the front? Maybe. It isn't even a local case.

Anonymous said...

All of their websites are down thanks to the group Anonymous. The WBC messed with the wrong group this time.

Anonymous said...

Westoboro is not only a cult & a pox on Kansas, they are related to each other. Thanks goodness for the Patriot Riders who drown these protests out with their motorcycle engines & flags.

Anonymous said...


Seems to me if you truly understood your service to the country then you would understand that those who serve our country protect the very freedoms that allow people like phelps to operate. Quite telling everybody how much you have served! Lots of people serve and many lose their lives! Try honering them with a little bit of humility.

Dustin Schuetz said...


I never referenced my service at all. Why don't you man up and post your real name instead of hiding behind "anonymous?"

I was stating my opinion. As far as those who have perished or served fo that matter fighting for rights of US citizens, I am grateful beyond words. However, I do not believe in what the Phelps protest for; and that my friend is not something that anyone who has served could honor.

So please, next time you want blast my post the least you could do would be to tell me who you are!

Semper Fi.

Anonymous said...

at - March 11, 2011 8:27 PM

OK, I don't usually agree much with Dustin or his Pa Mel, but Dustin did, if I remember right, do some very good things on 9/11 at the pentagon. He is on these blogs around town quite often and handles himself pretty well, especially considering his age. If I thought you had a valid gripe I would say so, but in this case I disagree.

Also wasn't the blog on Phelps and free speach and stuff and not on Mr. Dustin.