Thursday, June 5, 2008

Abram's stepping down?

Just interviewed David Dennis, Republican from Wichita, who filed to run for state board of education in District 10. He kind of floored when he said he decided to run after learned that Abrams was NOT running. We ran this story in March saying he would stand for reelection. He hasn't filed yet, according to state Web site. Trying to reach him asap.

I questioned Dennis on this, but he seemed pretty certain Abrams wasn't running.


Anonymous said...

I am mixed, on the decesion of Abram's not running. I agree with a lot of people, that he is an embarrassment to Kansas. However, I have met him a couple of time, and found him to be quite likeable.

Anonymous said...

What makes you see Abrams as an embarrassment? The fact that people have to follow whatever the rest of the crowd is doing? Do things look any better? What is wrong with taking ideas to a different direction? Or do we keep following the same path as always and never seeing if anything changes?

Anonymous said...

I would think that arguing we (humans) come from monkeys is more of an embarrassment, than arguing we don't come from monkeys. Think about it. I guess that is where the age old dislike for you in-laws comes from. ( I wouldn't like my in-laws if they smelled like monkeys and picked lice like monkeys.)