Thursday, July 31, 2008

Big story

Blockbuster story coming on the sheriff's race, but you'll have to wait until publishing time. sHere' the looong, but informative report from the KSOK debate Tuesday night


Anonymous said...

Interesting! Randy Emerson was NOT the Chief of Police in Udall???? Maybe someone should look in to the other positions he "held".

Anonymous said...

It can't be that big of a news story, or Newscow would already have it. Yesterday.

Curious said...

I read the report...I'm trying to figure out the DIFFERENCE between the two. Sounds to me like they have nearly identical ideas (at least the way the story was written).

Anonymous said...

It says that he was the officer in charge. One would assume he was the acting chief. Wording difference or not, the officer in charge of a police Dept with more than one member is the Chief of Police.

Anonymous said...

It said he was the only officer at the time...

Anonymous said...

But he would have been more honest to say he was the interim chief, since they obviously only let him run the place until they found someone else. They hired the new chief and accepted Emmerson's resignation at the same meeting, which means Emmerson thought he should get the job, but the council didn't. If you can't get hired to be the Chief of Udall, then should you really run for Sheriff?

Abbreviated said...


Where was this supposed big story last time he ran ?

Anonymous said...

My guess is that the 'supposed big story' didn't surface last election because I think people were quite certain he couldn't beat Odell therefore nobody challenged his statements. Maybe if some of this information would have surfaced when he ran in 2004 perhaps he could have saved himself the $5,000+ that he spent campaigning this time.
I read on Newscow that he stated that with the talk of his background and other negatives of the campaign trail have left him ready to see the campaigning come to an end.

Sure makes a person wonder if there are even more stories to be told.
The simple fact that his law enforcement jobs seemed to be very short-lived puts out a red flag to me.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't say that. A lot can happen in Law Enforcement that can make an officer want to move on. A city council change can make your life miserable... a new boss that is an idiot or corrupt can make you want to move on... there are any number of reasons that some officers move around until they find a department that makes them happy. BS politics is a big reason.

Anonymous said...

I can understand 1 or 2 different departments and maybe 3 but 4 and a job at a correctional facility seems like perhaps the person needs to step back and evaluate if law enforcement is really the line of work they want or can perform without controversy.

Anonymous said...

The reason the Udall police chief problem didn't come up last election was that Randy never mentioned it 4 years ago.

It wasn't until this election that he started stating he had been Police Chief in Udall.

The Udall City Council did not want Randy to be the interim or acting police chief - thats why they stated in the minute that he was only the officer in charge.

Then we he didn't get the job - he left shortly after.

Anonymous said...

And are his reasons for leaving his other 3 law enforcement jobs similar?