Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Gov. in town

Governor Sebelius was in Ark City for a ceremonial signing of a new law that strengthens anti-stalking laws, passed after Jodi Sanderholm's death.

I've got to say that Kasha Kelley, who introduced the bill and sheperded it though the House, was dissed by not being asked to comment or given proper credit by the Democrats in the room. A high level Democrat not part of the ceremony made it a point to tell me it was unfair. (don't want their name used)


Anonymous said...

Typical politicians!

What can we expect from them other than lies to appease their constituants?

Anonymous said...

We all know who actually did the work to get this pushed through.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for allowing anyone who may want the truth to have an opportunity to read it. There are always those who desire either to ride on the coat tails of those who actually get things done or try to discredit their achievements because they lack some of their own. Good Job
Judy Reedy

Anonymous said...

My guess is that Representative Kelley will perform the same quality work regardless. The governor knew, the press knew (as evidenced by original post comments) and the honored family knew of the efforts given by Ms. Kelley.

Had she spoken, it would not have been to rehearse the many things she contributed to the final product, it would likely have been to offer more assurances to that family and her other constituents, that she will continue to work for relevant legislation to the benefit of her constituents and Kansans as a whole.

I do not even view Kasha as the type of person who would take comfort in folks turning the bill signing event into another occasion to sling darts and arrows locally.

She is not flashy so much as she is effectual. As for any perceived oversight or slight, I would charge it to their heads and not to their hearts. The purpose of the signing ceremony and the legislation is far too significant to bicker over it.

Anonymous said...

Well said