Tuesday, July 15, 2008

A Senate takeover?

Interesting AP story yesterday about the Kansas Republican Assembly, the more conservation wing of the party. They are on the offensive in this campaign against the moderates, who control the state Senate. They've endorsed Kasha Kasha and Steve Abrams, according to their Web site. The counter group, Kansas for a Traditional Republican Majority, also a Web site (not very developed, though)

Because of this split, you'll have the odd occurance where Senate Republican leaders will support, if not in dollars, in spirit, Democrats such as Greta Goodwin here in Cowley County, because they do not want to lose control to theright wing of the Party, which Abrams represents.


Anonymous said...

So, let me get this straight. Inside the two major parties (democrat and republican) we have division among what degree of conservative or liberal they are?

How stupid. No wonder nothing ever gets done in Washington (and locally).

Curious said...

Anonymous...you're correct.

And, to think, some folks on these postings still maintain folks like Abrams aren't divisive. LOL

And, now Kelley's in the mix with the Republican Assembly. Hmmm...it's going to be hard to convince people that these two are able to "reach across party lines" to get things done when they can't even reach within their own party.

Abbreviated said...

Traditional Republican values has NEVER included murder via abortion.

Anonymous said...

So very true!

Anonymous said...

Have you all read about the State Senate Building remodel job (that is posted on the Republican Assembly website that Seaton refered to)?

Is that what happens when politicians reach across party lines?

From the sounds of that story, seems like we need someone who will not reach past what they believe.

I wonder how our local reps voted on those bills.

Curious said...


I know we're WAY off subject of this post...but to help clarify your post here, I'll add the following:

You may want to re-educate yourself on Roe v. Wade. Harry Blackmun wrote the majority opinion for the court. Blackmun was a Republican appointed by a Republican president (Nixon).

Just helping enlighten the masses and helping them to muddle through the mis-information that finds its way into these blogs... :-)

Abbreviated said...

It is sad there is a need for KRA.

Those who want to keep Greta should stop being Republicans in sheeps/Democratic clothes & register Democrat.


It doesn't matter which side of the isle Roe V Wade came from it is unconstitutional & should be over turned.

When Dave Senior's "people" run the local party NOTHING is done for candidates.

Curious said...


It's obvious that you feel there is a need for the KRA. My posts are specific to the apparent fact that KRA candidates (Kasha Kelley and Steve Abrams) cannot even reach to members within THEIR OWN PARTY to agree on issues. Doesn't that seem a bit counter-productive to the democratic process? Or to their mission to serve the public as our representatives?

Politics is all about compromise. If KRA Republicans like Kelley and Abrams feel so detached from their own party that they have to develop their own wing to feel connected...then how can voters feel confident that they will find issues around which Kansans can unite? It appears the KRA and its members are searching for more DIVISION than unity. That's simply not good for our populous.

Why would voters want to help such a cause? I, for one, am hoping voters will see the truth in this calamity and cast votes that help Kansans and not simply the KRA.

Ps: You apparently DID care about which side of the isle (sic) the abortion issue came down on. Otherwise you wouldn’t have assumed that “traditional Republican values” weren’t involved in the Roe decision. Now that you do know it was a Republican led decision…you want to back-peddle on the significance of that fact. Can’t have it both ways, my friend.

Abbreviated said...


Did you hear the joke about the good attorney ?

No....cause there isn't one.

There is a reason for bad attorney jokes. They are paid if they do a good job or bad job. Chaching....$s by the minute.

Abraham Lincoln the father of the Republican party was pro life as were ALL the Founding Fathers & Mothers.

As we forum testimonies are being written up on the harm of murder via abortion by women & men. They will be presented to the Supreme Court each time Roe comes up on the docket.

Living in the state of denial with the state bird being the ostrich makes for a very large target.

Anonymous said...

Hey here is a wonderful idea, lets dump legalized abortion and go back to the days of backstreet alley dumps and have women dying or permanantely damaging themselves, of course the rich could always fly overseas to have it done.

Curious said...


Back to the subject at hand...KRA.

So, the KRA is necesary because the "other Republicans" really aren't Republicans like Lincoln???

Don't forget...(as good a man as he probably was) he also adhered to the tenets of "separate but equal." Are you suggesting that the KRA are "Lincoln Republicans?"

If that's the case...Abrams and Kelley (and other KRA Republicans) "got some 'splainin' to do."

Anonymous said...

KRA selects candidates on their own. The candidates don't select the KRA.

If Tiller's PAC gives money to Burr's campaign, I don't automatically assume that Burr is a raving baby killer. But by his acceptance of the contribution, it might say something about him. That he did take money from the Life Sciences Fund for the Kansas City Chamber also says something about his lack of commitment to protecting life at all stages. To Quote: "The Greater Kansas City Chamber...has quietly undermined the historic chamber mission. Through its well-funded political action committees, the best funded in the area, the Chamber is working to create a high tax environment that is indifferent to small business and the free market and downright hostile to the culture of life."

For anyone who cares about keeping taxes low, being business-friendly, and protecting life, you should be watching for more fringe support for Burr and learn more about what he really stands for.

Curious said...

Ah... so now you're saying she's denying her affiliation with the KRA? Wonder if they know that...

You're really not going to try and convince us that she's not one of the KRA membership are you?

As it relates to the subject of this blog, I'll stick to my curiosity about the KRA and their insistence of division within their own party (let alone across the aisle). And now (after last night's forum), we have the following gem: "Kelley also emphasized that the majority party needs to 'reach across the isle' (sic) to the opposition."

(Insert head scratch here)... Now, how's she going to convince us that she can reach across, when she's part of the group trying to divide her own party? Let's check her voting record and see how many times she's extended a hand. Shall we?

I believe that one could call this "the epitome of hypocrisy." it's suddenly obvious...She's just being very transparent.