Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Presidential vote break down

If I added right, Obama did much better in the Winfield and Ark City precincts than in the rural ones in Cowley County, which is to be expected. (Although interestingly Obama was for the recent farm bill preserving subsidies and McCain was against it. McCain also opposed ethanol subsidies)

Ark City:
McCain 2,017 57 percent
Obama 1523 43 percent

McCain 2398 56 percent
Obama: 1848 43 percent

Obama appears to have faired SLIGHTLY BETTER in these cities than he did statewide: 41 Obama 57 McCain. I find this interesting.

But in rural Cowley County, he got clobbered:
McCain 3759 71 percent
Obama 1528 29 percent

This makes the total Cowley County result 63 to 37.


Anonymous said...

Oh well, the election is over, so I guess we should just move on.

I just hope & pray that the people who want to own a handgun, or don't support the homosexual agenda, or that don't support the abortion agenda, or don't believe that the government should be owning private enterprise, or don't want to be taxed to death, or that don't believe in the welfare state, or that don't believe we need a "civilian military force", etc, that voted for Obama don't wind up disappointed.

(my English teacher would be highly disappointed with that sentence :))

Obama is Prez. The people voted. I will support him when he is right and will let him know when I believe he is wrong.

movin' on

Anonymous said...

Ditto what "movin' on" said.