Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Miss-speak California

This whole affair seemed ridiculous to me. So she spoke against Gay Marriage in a beauty pageant — most people do oppose gay marriage, even in California. I did hear one good point about the matter - most young people 30 and under, support gay marriage and so she turned out to be a young voice against it that the anti-gay rights lobby hoisted up as a hero.


Anonymous said...

David Allen,
You need to pick a side, you come off as this hard core liberal retard and then you actually back a person with conservative views.

Anonymous said...

I've heard people ask where the outrage was form the NOW, or why gay activists haven't supporeted her right to free speech.
The point, at least for me is this. It is a civil rights issue.
People in those two camps would not, and could not support her right to freedom of speech. It would be as ridiculous as someone asking why jews didn't support hitler's right to free speech, or Blacks the Clan.Onr should not have the right to speech which advocates the taking away of anothers rights.

Anonymous said...

Gay marriage is not a right. It's not even legal in most states. You can't take away something that doesn't exist.

Anonymous said...

This subject always makes me a little upset. No I am not gay but what is the big deal? The biggest arguement is that we need to protect marriage...I ask you from what??? Because as I see it heterosexual couples have done a great disservice to marriage! I work with children and it is sad that the majority come from broken homes. Marriage is considered a trial an error to most people and it is easy to get out if it "doesn't" work. I just think if we are going to tell a certain set of people that they can't get married because we are trying to protect marriage we should get our own set in order!

Ralph said...

NOW is in line with Gay Rights. I think they actually support Gay Rights over Women's Rights. Obviously this would be a case in point. We talk about free speech, but rarely is speech free in our country. THere is always some cost whether it is political, economical or religious, there are costs to the words that come out of our mouths.
More importantly, she picked a side and stood by it. She didn't flinch, but she did whine, and whining isn't good. She lost. Not one of the judges to my knowledge has said she lost because of that comment. It was assumed, which isn't a good thing to do.

Wes said...

David Allen,
You need to pick a side, you come off as this hard core liberal retard and then you actually back a person with conservative views.
That's the problem, people pick sides and stick to them even when they drive you into the ditch...

I support liberal and conservative ideas, almost equally. I make my mind up on an issue by myself, rather than having Obama or Limbaugh do it for me. I still have a voice in the process too.

But here's the kicker, the Republicans mostly lie to persuade me to pick their candidate (national level), or at least that's what has happened the last three elections.

Anonymous said...

"Not one of the judges to my knowledge has said she lost because of that comment. It was assumed, which isn't a good thing to do."

That's not true. Perez Hilton, who was the judge that asked the question, and is openly gay, said the next day that it did in fact cost her the crown. He went on to call her all kinds of vile names also. He's a great spokesperson for gay rights... NOT!

Abbreviated said...

Shouldn't a gay guy be judging a Chippendale contest & not a female beauty contest ?

He asks a political question then complains & calls names.