Monday, August 16, 2010

Survey says ....

Very interesting results to citizens survey done by Municipal Solutions. In general, the respondents were positive about the city. It's a stark contrast to the survey done 3 and half years ago, where residents rated city services and quality of life fairly low. Here's a snippet from a story back then...

A recent survey by the National Citizen Survey company shows that many people in Arkansas City have a negative attitude toward the city and what it has to offer.

Mayor Dotty Smith said the "biggest thing is the perception of our citizens. We need to do a better job of letting people know what the city does for them."

Some big differences in the surveys were that the one three years ago went out to every address and got a much larger response/sampling of citizens. It also appeared to ask more questions geared toward overall quality of life. The most recent survey seemed to focus on city services/relations.

You would think that people might feel even more pessimistic now than in 2007, because of the recession. Back in 2007, employment was at a high peak. But, despite the national scene, Ark City has things going on that make us feel constructive and good about the future -- school/stadium construction, hospital construction, major street repair.

My guess is that if you did the exact same survey in 2007, it would probably have similar, fairly negative views because of methodology and sample size. However, this recent survey is useful in what residents want: including curbside recycling, more places to shop/eat and beautification.


Anonymous said...

Also, three years ago was when the City Commission had people like Scott Margolius on it. I would assume Ark City would have a better sentiment towards the city with the new guys in there.

Anonymous said...

I have to wonder about curb side recycling. I can't imagine the cost is too much having a drop off point so that we can recycle if we want to, but it seems to me that curb side recycling will cost us individually as much as garbage service. That may be ok for some people (I'm guessing the 20-25% that recycle), but why should those costs be imposed on the rest of us? Leave well enough alone.

Anonymous said...

How much credence can be given to a survey that has <1% sampling? Typical credible survey saturate a population with hopes of getting maybe 20% to 25% of survey response. Taht would yield anywhere from 10% to 30% of a population for analysis.

The volume of responses received is scarcely more than the census of employees on the City payroll.

In other words, it does not appear that there was much effort to get the survey out into the community. In fact, I beleive the approach used was to place a notice in the municipal water bill asking citizens to "opt in" to the survey.

Now, isn't that a bit confusing. Why not send out the survey and ask the citizens to respond and submit? That would be more practical unless, of course, you only wanted a <1% response rate.

160 responses from a community of 11K should have prompted the paying customer to ask the surveyers to try again to get the document into the hands of citizens.

My goodness, they could have gotten more responses by sending them in bulk to the nearly fifty churches in the community.

Lets do a legitimate survey before we start analyzing what profound meaning comes from it.

This is like asking someone to paint a picture of the Grand Canyon on the back of a dime.

Anonymous said...

Curb side recycling would be awesome. However I don't believe people should be charged extra for should part of the monthly fee to encourage people to participate. Start charging and the participation level will drop.

Anonymous said...

Also, three years ago was when the City Commission had people like Scott Margolius on it. I would assume Ark City would have a better sentiment towards the city with the new guys in there.

You do realize that it was Scott and the others that opposed the spending of millions of dollars on a group of private landowners property?
Then there was an interest/resugence of rebuilding of the old downtown and other areas?
That the things that are being done today were not the result of those "New Guys". The School bond and the Hospital?
Didn't Mell propose the half cent sales tax for street improvement?
Tell me what have the "NEW GUYs" done!
Besides get wheat ground deemed as "blighted" and call for some more studies/surveys!

Anonymous said...

The online people are more neg, how about the survey people were set and overly positive like maybe shills.
did you see that our management team gave themselves 100% when it comes to getting alone together and with their employees and the employees thoughts of them on a private survey, was 96% give me a break.
Any, other business here in Arkansas City, with over 20 employees let alone 140 can say that. Anybody?

It's only the mean public and the evil commissioners butting in, that's the only problem.

Anonymous said...

TO: August 17, 2010 6:40 AM

"You do realize that it was Scott and the others that opposed the spending of millions of dollars on a group of private landowners property?"

-- Yep. You're right. They are the ones that would not allow us to have a Lowe's and Applebee's and whatever else would come. But I don't recall the city having to spend any money on it, only to give up the new taxes that would have been incurred if the land was developed, and that only for a period of time. Not to worry. It didn't get developed so it won't collect any taxes at all.

"Then there was an interest/resugence of rebuilding of the old downtown and other areas?"

-- I recall some growth before those 3 took over, but it all came to an abrupt halt shortly after they came in. The only growth would be the meat market where they gave away the property and gave a 10 year tax exemption. I wonder why they wouldn't do that for anyone else?

"That the things that are being done today were not the result of those "New Guys". The School bond and the Hospital?"

-- The things being done today are many and varied. True the hospital and school were years in the making. But what about cleaning up 6th Street Pond, bringing in the Renaissance Fair, and now working on McFarland's Pond? What other construction and development is going on? Will the paper find out for us?

"Didn't Mell propose the half cent sales tax for street improvement?"

-- If Mell did propose it, it was only after about a half dozen other commissioners over the last 5 years proposed the same thing. I think there was a crew to make recommendations about streets a few years ago that said El Dorado was doing it and doing well at it. Must be that's where he heard it.

"Tell me what have the "NEW GUYs" done!
Besides get wheat ground deemed as "blighted" and call for some more studies/surveys!"

-- I hope they are doing more, but I think that is a lot as it is. Setting up property for available grants and credits is about the only way to draw in business and industry. Surveys would be good to if we can get the commission to listen to them, but I don't believe Mell is interested in hearing. I think he is only interested in telling his side. Too bad, I think he could probably help move things along if he would have an open mind. But then, he's closed us out of almost everything else.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
-- If Mell did propose it, it was only after about a half dozen other commissioners over the last 5 years proposed the same thing.
August 23, 2010 2:48 PM

Point is folks that tons of people propose things. Few get them done. That is the separating line.

My old friend used to say: You have to be wide awake to amke your dreams come true.

Kudos to Mell for putting words into action. He has advocated sensible and meaningful spending. He has opposed frivolous requests and pet projects from City staff.

A proposal by any other name still falls flat. It's results that we need folks. Results!

R E S U L T S!!!
That's how we become the Best

Goooo!!!! TEEAAMMM!!!!!