Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Commission forum

The candidates, in forum at the fair, pretty much touched on issues already covered in this campaign, except one: the idea of a county sales tax for economic development purposes. Wayne Wilt was the only one who said he might support something like that.

While I think a sales tax to provide stable funding for cowley first and to use as seed money or leverage funds for expansion of local businesses is a good idea, now is not the time. As Darrin Green said, the sale tax is already high, esp. in Ark City. Perhaps when the state sales tax and the street tax in A.C. goes away, it would be something to consider.



Anonymous said...

Like someone said somewhere before on one of the blogs, when was the last time you saw a sales tax fall off after it was done? There are many entities in town that already have plans for when the street tax comes up, and to just continue it on.

Anonymous said...

How do the local aspiring commissioners feel about the TIF and a possible big box? Probably won't get another chance, but if there ever is a possibility....

Anonymous said...

Taxes can only be continued, or replaced by a vote of the people. It ends as determined by a vote of the people. Neither the State, the County, nor the City elected officials can change it (except for I think 1% allowed by statute).

If the tax continues or is replaced it is the choice of the voting citizens. If you don't like it, get out and vote!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous@7:01 while the commissioners may wish to continue the sales tax it must be approved by the voters. They can put it on the ballot but YOU can say no!

Anonymous said...

Is it possible to have a sales tax repealed? If people are so much against it is there a process to put it to vote again?