Friday, September 17, 2010

Hospital vision

Give credit to city mananger Steve Archer, hospital and city commission officials for creating some visioning on the land surrounding the new hospital. They got the community involved through focus groups, and now will put together some concepts that can lead to the orderly, logical development of that area. There are high hopes that the hospital will attract spin off businesses.

Personally, I think the area needs more rehabilitation facilities. The hotel and wellness facilities, along with a nice, meditative park area for families and patients, are great ideas, too.

As far as the design layouts, I think I like the town center concept because it connects things in a more pedestrian, grouped way. Imagine walking across a huge blacktop with no sidewalks trying to get from the hotel, or senior apartments to the hospital. That was be poor planning, in my opinion.


Anonymous said...

The hospital has been hemorhaging money most of the year,the city has no funds,who will pay the bond payments when the savings are all used up. Who will pay the salaries and upkeep.That 1/2 cent sales tax won't go far.The tax payers will end up with it on another mill levy--Sid, will not be happy.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Snell, needs to review the balance sheet at the hospital.The last 6 months SHOWS,March,April,May,June ,July only cash loss. Aug, they had brought in only $22,000.00, for the sum of $22,000.00 in a whole 6 month time. Plus, from the 5 millon they had in the first of the year audit, only 2.3 remains. One must bring in money to spend money.