Thursday, September 9, 2010

Yucky water

I'd be pretty upset if my water looked like this, too. At least the city is trying to make it right.

Channel 12 had a pretty good story on this, following our story Wed. It does lend itself to images. It sounds like people have been dealing with this for years. I'm surprised they've dealt with it without storming city hall for this long.


Anonymous said...

Yup. In the 90's there was a man named Chuck Powers. He practically begged for relief from the rust laden water that had ruined clothing and made drinking water from the tap undesirable.

He lived on the south end of town also. A Street I believe. No one ever done anything about it.

Anonymous said...

It's unfortunate, but why did it become so urgent after three years and only for Doty's renters. Can you say used her political office for her own gain.

Anonymous said...

Dotty Smith has fought for over three years to get some help. None of the houses in question belong to her according to the county tax roles.
When you ask over and over and over for help you give up because you can't fight city hall.
You move or if you can't move you deal with it. only one of the houses is a rental. How can a home owner sell a house with water like that. Would you by it? EXACTLY!

They are stuck. NObody did NOTHING!
It wasn't Dotty it was a commission decision. She simply brought in a bottle of water from their tap. That was not the same family that appeared on channel 12.

Anonymous said...

We can be so silly.

It's more important for someone to evaluate a commisioner's agenda than to recognize that the situation was simply unacceptable.

Keep in mind, this is some of the most expensive city water in the state. Now, as far as restitution, shouldn't the city be required to pay late fees?

I think they have been pretty heavy handed about collecting. Perhaps, they should use the same rationale about remediating a 10 year old problem.

Refund plus late fees plus restoration fees of,say, $35/month for each month they did not deliver the quality water for which their customers were paying.

Anonymous said...

Has there been any mention in the official newspaper of Ark City about the illegal Mexican working at Creekstone who stole the identity of a U.S. Marine stationed overseas?

If so, why has it not been in the online edition?

If not, why? Being biased toward illegals should not stop you from doing your job and reporting the NEWS. That's why you are here. We don't have the luxury of many news sources, which means you should try to remain impartial when it comes to your politics and just report the NEWS!

Anonymous said...

They did a main cleaning project on so A from about Washington ave. to maybe Quincy.
Dotty may not own it, but have you ever asked her if she handles it as a rental manager?

There are not one, but TWO superintendants in the water dept., at an annual cost with salary and benefits of near a COUPLE OF HUNDRED GRAND A YEAR, so why hasn't this been a HIGH PRIORITY for them? Maybe there should be some more 'resignations' of dept. heads !!

Contrary to what the traveler will print, this sort of negligence toward maintaining infrastructure is only rewarded by city managers for over 20 years, (maybe this may be the reason Doug Russell left after only 1 year) of course, the traveler reported his departure as a move 'closer to home' for him !

Just continued coverup and 'spinning' by city hall administration, and commissioners who are two weak to take care of business, besides, NAME ONE dept. head that is from this town !!??