Wednesday, October 20, 2010

F-35 flap

Looks like Raj Goyle is going to make a deal out opponent Mike Pompeo not supporting the alternative F-35 engine made by General Electric. Pompeo wrote a letter to the editor at the Wichita Eagle in Sept. 2009 making the case, as many others have, that the engine is unnecessary and wastes taxpayer dollars. But it has managed to be funded year after year through Congressional support. Goyle plans a press conference for tomorrow here in Ark City, before a candidates forum sponsored by KSOK.

Here's Goyle's email press release:

State Rep. Raj Goyle to Hold Pre-Debate Press Conference at Cowley College
Pompeo’s Serial Outsourcing No Longer a Surprise, but New Anti-jobs Info. is Baffling

WICHITA, KS – Tomorrow at 4:30 P.M. State Rep. Raj Goyle, 4th District Congressional candidate, will discuss a baffling new addition to Mike Pompeo’s anti-jobs agenda. Standing in support of the F-35 Alternate Engine Project, Goyle will also talk about the importance of protecting 800 jobs in Cowley County. Following the press conference, Goyle will participate in a KSOK-sponsored 2010 Election debate at Cowley College.

The event is open to the press.


WHAT: Press Conference - New details about Mike Pompeo’s anti-jobs agenda

WHEN: 4:30 P.M., Thursday, October 21st

WHERE: Wright Room in the Brown Center
Cowley College Campus
125 S. Second Street, Arkansas City, KS

WHO: State Rep. Raj Goyle, Kansas workers


Anonymous said...

Give it up Goyle. You have about as much chance of being elected as Frosty the snowman does being elected the king of hell.

The Dems are desperate!

Anonymous said...

And tomorrow we can expect your extremely slanted view on why goyle is right???? He's become the poster for child of taking bits and pieces of something and twisting it into stuff its not.

John M said...

I agree with Pompeo and evidently most of the pentagon brass does as well. They have been trying to kill this alternative engine idea since it's inception in '97. The logic in congress is that there should not be reliance on one manufacturer. However that manufacturer is Pratt&Whitney. They are a large well established company that isn't going anywhere. Congress ear marked another 603 million in June for the alternative program which would have back up engines made by GE and Rolls Royce. Another 603 Million wasted. Congress should be spending money on things that are necessary and this engine is not. I support jobs and economic development as much as the next guy however I don't support wasteful spending by the government to get there. Taxes are high enough already. I for one am getting tired of Goyle's attack adds. Hey Raj--stop telling us whats so bad about Pompeo and focus on what's good about you. So far Goyle has convinced everyone of only one thing--He is not Mike Pompeo--and we knew that in the first place.

Anonymous said...

Raj is desperate. It's sickening how low the dems are stooping in this election cycle.

Anonymous said...

So is Goyle wrong? Or are yo just so bound is your partisan and "exclusive" views that you are willing to risk learning that he is right while a few hundred more Kansas workers get pink slipped?

I think it is fair to say that the people clamoring for return to Republican leadership are still employed, retired off decent pensions from the super-inflation era or independently wealthy.

Everyone is fed up with the feds and the state bleeding us for taxes. But the unemployed and low income folks have had it with the corporations reaping all the tax relief with empty promises of the Reagan era trickle down economic policy.

Only Reagan could sell that with any hint of integrity. And he was surrounded by duplicitous people who took the money and turned off the trickle faucets while he was erstwhile occupied. It never trickled down!

But nearly 30 yrs later big business has still got its hand in the government tills banging the poor folks for free money and reducing their labor force each year. No trickle down. Instead they have learned to offer the poison nectar of overtime pay for over worked employees.

Overworked employees make critical errors. Think not? Wait unntil you see the full and final report of what led to the BP Gulf disaster. See how much human error resulted from fatigued employees. Ask yourself, what is the worth of 40% increase i income through Ot once your blown to bits on the rig.

Cheap labor in foreign countries or understaffed labor in the US are the corporate strategies under the remnants of Reagan's trickle down policy.

The other side is the perpetual unemployed (those who have exhausted benefits and have been therefore moved to welfare) and the uninsured which includes those unemployed along with the ranks fo them who work for small businesses who cannot afford to provide insurance AND meet payroll.

So fight. But if you ever happen to wind up in those shoes, I am sure you will rethink your position.

Anonymous said...

So is Goyle wrong? Or are yo just so bound is your partisan and "exclusive" views that you are willing to risk learning that he is right while a few hundred more Kansas workers get pink slipped?

Well Goyle might be wrong if he is only looking to build engines for the purpose of just retaining a few jobs!

The part about Kansas workers getting pink slipped is a little late in the Game! They have been doing that for the last 20+ yrs!
(Where have you been?)

Remember Cessena, Total Refinery, Viola Industries, Haliburton, Gordon and Piatt, Binney and Smith, WSHTC, and on and on ...just in this area!

Even the workers at GE know that while they are the only ones who are rebuilding their particular engines in the U.S.? There are other places around the world that can do the same thing CHEAPER!
(I don't believe their the only ones who can do it better part!)

The recent Economic Development Forum said that we were a below one pull our economy! (Spending more outside the area than within)
So at some point you got to say I'm going to invest locally!
Why! Because when you send money outside you are robbing the equity out of your very own community/ AREA!

The money you spend has more of an impact than the jobs that might be retained by some jet engines!

Lastly, If you talk to any serious GE worker they know that GE only wants facilities with around a certain number of employess! (1,000 or less).

Hawker, Cessena, Bombardier, etc. are slowly making plans to move out of the area!

Its time to think about their replacements not fight to save them if they want or intend to leave!

You can't make enough concessions to make them stay and spending what they might save somehwere else to keep them doesn't help the AREA or the Country!

While your spending all that effort to protect a few engines you might just be missing out on some new businesses/industry that might consider this area!

Anonymous said...

"Cheap labor in foreign countries or understaffed labor in the US are the corporate strategies under the remnants of Reagan's trickle down policy."

Look up NAFTA!

Anonymous said...

From wikidepia:

"78% of the net job losses under NAFTA, 686,700 jobs, were relatively-high paying manufacturing jobs.[9] Certain states with heavy emphasis on manufacturing industries like Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Indiana, and California were significantly affected by these job losses. For example, in Ohio, TAA and NAFTA-TAA identified 14,653 jobs directly lost due to NAFTA-related reasons like relocation of U.S. firms to Mexico.[10] Similarly, in Pennsylvania, Keystone Research Center attributed 150,000 job losses in the state to the rising U.S. trade deficit.[11] Since 1993, 38,325 of those job losses are directly related to trade with Mexico and Canada. Opponents point out the fact that although most of these jobs were reallocated to other sectors, the majority of workers were relocated to the service industry, where average wages are 4/5 to that of the manufacturing sector."

Anonymous said...

I own the 7:21am post. Not sure why you counter with NAFTA arguemnts. Interesting information ut not sure of its relevance here.

Is there something about the timing of it? Of course, if we play partisan rhetoric, if it were Bush policy, why did he do it? If it wasn't Bush policy, why didn't he and the R majority in Congress fix it?

I mean if you are going to call the Obama administration a failure in 18 months, wouldn't you also hold your much superior President to such a standard? Any reference to NAFTA is either his fault for effecting it or his fault for not defeating it in 8 long years.

Dontcha think?

Anonymous said...


It's STILL all Bush's fault.

Obama has been in office long enough to own his problems. Nothing he has passed has worked. And he has passed everything he wanted to pass. By hook or by crook.

You blamed Reagan's trickle down policy for the decline in manufacturing jobs and the push toward the service industry. That simply isn't true. You want to Blame Bush for everything that has happened in the last 30 years, but you let Obama slide for all the mistakes he's made?!