Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Land deal

A split vote, but the city entered an agreement to buy a piece of Goff Industrial Park from AC Industries.

From the birds eye view, this is a good thing. Cities need to position themselves to attract development. Owning land prime for commercial development can facilitate that.
It would be nice to leave everything to the private sector, but municipalities that are proactive get more done when it comes to economic development, especially in a slow-growth area like ours.

But the details raise some questions. The contract seems to intertwine the city and ACI more than necessary. It's a 5 year deal where ACI keeps some say over what the land is used for, and has first right of refusal to buy land back if a developer wants to buy it.

Three years from now, the commission could be completely different and not want anything to do with a contract like this. Perhaps the commission majority wants to make the infrastructure improvements necessary to create development and doesn't care who owns it in the end?

And then you have the whole suspicion problem by locking arms with ACI. With a former ACI board member as a commissioner, the idea that the city is doing ACI's bidding can't be escaped.

It seems like the commission majority is pushing awfully hard to get this TIF/redevelopment thing going. Guess they hope a pro-TIF candidate gets elected this spring. But that's a big gamble. If this TIF campaign backfires, they could set back the redevelopment efforts for quite a while

I still think the city should look at redevelopment tools for south Ark City and perhaps west Madison.


Anonymous said...

What was the hurry! Mr. Warren has made no secret he was elected to get this through for ACI. Everything has to be done right now. RIGHT NOW. I don't like Mr. Kuhn but I like this deal less. We are now the clean road for the ACI deal run it through the city. And our city attorney's husband is on the ACI board and this round peg goes in that round hole and the picture is becoming clear. Nothing has changed except losing HNB shield's they now have to carry a big stick and ram anything that get's in the way of what they want with it.

You have to ask yourself this. If your brother-in-law came to you with this same deal, to help out the family and all, and had all the first right of refusal, and the approval this and that, wouldnt' you really tell your brother-in-law no thanks, if you get serious and really want to help the family and sell the land outright call me.

Anonymous said...

Seems I picked up a hint somewhere that ACI had never quit talking with the Developer that was proposing the original Lowes deal! (So it may not be Lowe's but I wonder if there's already another plan or an new adaptation to the old plan?)
So yeah, I don't think ACI is showing all its cards! (Call me a conspiracy theorist?) But I don't think they would be working so hard to get this pushed through if it was all speculation!
Warren, Snell and McDonald did their thing with the help of the City Attorney and City Manager.
But, the real question that remains is what type of development? (I'm guessing some type of Retail Mall Complex with a Medium box store!)
I have to question that a drastic change away from the warehouse/industrial and meat processing trend already started at the complex would be wise! (Especially if whatever they wanted to try or experiment on was at the taxpayers expense!)
But the biggest question that remains - Is how can ACI be all for the benefit of Ark City and only let part of the Industrial Complex be annexed into the City?
The rest remains in the County?
There is a lot of focus with the potential to spend a lot of money on that 33 acres! (Somebody is looking to profit from its development and its probably not the City/Taxpayers!)
Plus, I agree that there are plenty of other areas that could be developed or redeveloped which could be geared to help local
small business/industry and probably for a lot less money!

Anonymous said...

Never answered the tax question.What is the real cost including the elimination of property taxes for ACI?

Anonymous said...

I think that really all mean well. Dottie, Mell, Jay, Jean, Pat, they all are trying to do what they thinks is right for the city. It's OK if they disagree, see things from a different vantage. I like to see the different opinions.

It doesn't seem real when they are robots nodding all together. My family has a hard time ordering a pizza that everyone will eat. you all know what I am talking about.

Why it is such a big deal that they don't agree. Andrew did a great job with the article, it was factual and easy to follow, and filled with detail, GREAT JOB!

I think that each commissioners has to follow their gut on this if 3 think that it's a deal and 2 think that it's not then that is the way it is. But I am proud they worked hard talked it out and in the end the majority will rule but I am proud of each one of them.

I prefer the 3/2 vote, rather then listening to them discuss against and then vote in favor just so it's 5/0

Anonymous said...


Ever hear of 'good cop, bad cop'? Don't be fooled by the 3-2 vote, the obvious dissenters in this matter would be dotty and mel, so it is no suprise to me that they took on the role of 'bad cop'Both of them have CERTAINLY taken advantage of their place on the commission to recieve special considerations (just think back at the amount of business mel's company has done for the city water and wastewater depts) This way, as the commission and city manager hoodwink the public taxpayers yet again, it will LOOK LIKE they are really concerned about the citizens, and the city leaders will still get the TIF district approved. If I was a downtown bus. person, I'd wonder why in the hell so much money was spent on the downtown area when they really only care about developing the north end of town in order to annex the properties in between the city limits and the new hospital!!!

Anonymous said...

I asked myself why did the city get in bed with ACI and the answer was just revealed! While the land is in the hands of the city, they don't have to pay taxes on it and if it's sold they reap the benefits! Can the city purchase my house too so that in December I don't have to pay taxes??? What the heck??? I thought living in a small town, back stabbing and corrupt gov't would not be an issue. I was wrong... if you are part of the good ol' boy system, you are untouchable and can do whatever you want!
I'm sure the city could do more to invest their money in better projects than bailing out ACI!
Speaking of elections... who is going to run just to get run over?