Thursday, October 14, 2010

GOP gains

All candidates for statewide office hold decent leads at this point, according to the KWCH-Survey USA poll. The one surprise I think is the 16 point lead by Ron Estes over Dennis McKinney for Treasurer. The poll Web site says McKinney held a 21 point lead just three weeks ago. That sounds pretty odd.

Pompeo shows a 13 point lead over Goyle, which is up a bit from the last poll.

I think if Goyle comes within 10 points it can be consider a success on his part. No way a democrat wins in a conservative district in a GOP wave election, unless the candidate is horrible.


Anonymous said...

I think that if Goyle comes within 10 points, he will still be a loser. How can it be cinsidered a success when all his money was wasted on a campaign in which he had no chance of winning?

Anonymous said...

I could possibly vote for Goyle if I knew what he stood for instead of editing parts of Pomeo's speeches. Be nice to more about him and his thoughts instead

Anonymous said...

it would be nice if comments that didn't fit David's agenda were allowed to post.

Anonymous said...

I would be extremely surprised if Goyle wins. He seems to be a good campaigner. If a Democrat with his skin color and name can win an election in Kansas it will be a good day. But I doubt it will happen. Really doubt it.

Anonymous said...

I have to say that I am disappointed in the Democrats and Obama! They simply tried to FORCE through their own agenda above the needs and wishes of the people!
Especially in difficult economic times when cooperation was needed and all the people should have been represented in any decision!
I do tend to vote Republican and didn't vote for O. But I didn't like McCain and think it was a token gift to him by the GOP as they knew they probably couldn't win after the economic meltdown on Bush's watch! (I don't blame Bush!)
So here we are with the reverse senario.
It's too bad that politics in General has come down to specific agendas almost Nationwide!
One indivdiual or a group of individuals trying to dictate policy for all the REST!
I think politics and Government in general have gotten in the way of people being responsible for their own actions and taking care of their own business!
Maybe we don't really need any of them as bad as they need US?
But vote I will - because it's my duty and my choice - does it matter?
Only time will tell!

Time for another Cup of Tea!

Anonymous said...

Btw: Would it really be all that hard to REPLACE all those Government Agencies/Programs and Services with Private Sector Businesses that could do the SAME THINGS?

That would be STRONG TEA!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Btw: Would it really be all that hard to REPLACE all those Government Agencies/Programs and Services with Private Sector Businesses that could do the SAME THINGS?

That would be STRONG TEA!

October 17, 2010 3:05 PM

Now there is a really novel idea. Do NOT repeal teh ability of government to tax the poor. On the other hand, take those tax dollars and redistribute them to entreprenuers who then make ahuge profit off providing services, at their discretion to the taxpayers.

I could see how that would greatly benefit the poor, the ethnic and the disadvantaged. Even now we can see the harmony between $8/hr jobs and $3/gal gasoline.

Equally, there is a strong harmony between a family household net income of $800/month and our modest $100/mo water utility.

Toss in a few high prescription meds through the for profit pharmaceuticals and a trip to the doctor at $50 copay on top of the #150 monthly insurance premiums.

Yes, I think the right thing to do is to create some sort of republic where well intentioned profiteers can market to the masses of impoversihed.

Has anyone tried that before?

Anonymous said...

take those tax dollars and redistribute them to entreprenuers who then make ahuge profit off providing services, at their discretion to the taxpayers.

You conveniently left out the part about increased competition for the same services which in turn might make it cheaper for everyone!

You also left out the part about how Government has subsidized the big corporations and insurance companies through their own programs! (Intentionally reduced the competition!)

Then there is the part about how Government is hands-off on laws suits and caps on settlements!
But hey its lawyers who make the laws and lawyers who enforce them - who cares they are out to make a huge profit (something like 60% of the settlement) and then make an example of the Indivdual, Company or Corporation! There are new lawyers graduating every year -
how you going to keep them all around?

Make more laws!

Government can promote or discourage Trends - and they DO!

Anonymous said...

Btw: I once heard a lawyer say that "Somehow the claim will always rise to the amount of Coverage"!

I wonder why?