Monday, October 18, 2010

Reality of repeal

My editorial in Saturday's paper about the folly of trying to real the new health care law. For the full version see the paper or e-edition.

Basically, there's no way the new law will be repealed as long as Obama is president. If the GOP wins the House and/or Senate, taking this on would sink us further into partisan malaise. GOP should push for CHANGES, but not full repeal - especially since there are pretty universally accepted things about what insurance companies should offer and how they should behave.


Anonymous said...

Why worry about healthcare right now - It is more like when the Democrats loose control of the House and Senate?

There is probably going to be a flurry of bills and executive orders passed prior to January!
(Who knows how many gavels Nancy will break!)

But as for the Healthcare bill - it will get repealed and replaced by the GOP! If not now in 2012!(They will leave alot of the good stuff and weed out all the rest - especially the parts that mandate or dictate participation by individuals and/or businesses! (BTW: even if the Dems should retain control the States still have pending lawsuits regarding those very mandates!
Then there is still the crushing and even bankrupting expense by Obamacare's State mandates on Medicaid!)

Obama may have the "veto" power but the Senate will have the purse strings!

If he wants to accomplish anything his last two years he will work with the GOP! Otherwise its Jimmy Carter II!

Anonymous said...

At htis point, Obama would be doing good to be Jimmy Carter II.

Anonymous said...

Still taking sign ups for the folks who want to call up the millions of Americans who will left without any healthcare insurance.

Simple message that they either accept trauma clinics for emergency or, if they happen to have any reserve set aside, we shall wipe it all out with any major medical event.

Maybe the theme for the
R's in 2012 is "Back to Square One"
Yes we will foreclose on your homes and leave you in the streets.
Yes we will deny you medical treatment unless you have and sign over your 401K.
Yes, we will replace union wages with lower hourly pay, longer hours and less worker rights and no safety protection.

Anyone who thinks that big business wasn't already in the model of displaing higher paid workers with desperate workers willng to take less, work more and take risks regardless of NAFTA is living in a cave.

Under Bush and the R regime, investors got filthy rich, workers lost significant ground versus inflation and we simply lost much global respect.

9/11 got us global sympathy. But there is a difference between respect and sympathy.

Anonymous said...

It's all Bush's fault!