Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Hockenbury returns

Joel Hockenbury, a commissioner from 2004-2008, who served a year as mayor, is running again for city commission.

Hard not to see this through the TIFF/Lowes prism. Joel was a big supporter of that project when it failed on a 3-2 vote back in 2006. If he would take Mell or Dotty's seat, that would provide the fourth vote for similar efforts in the future.

Guess we need to find out where Chad Giles stands on this.

My recollection of Joel on the commission is that he was thoughtful, analytical, relatively soft spoken and talked a lot about trying to bring more economic growth to the city.


Anonymous said...

You are only concerned with the TIFF????? What about the total mess at city hall? All the city heads leaving? Have you spoke with him? Do you know that is why is he running (TIFF)? or are you making an assumption?

Anonymous said...

I don't think TIFF is a consideration. That deal is gone long enough that it can't be put back together. I do believe that progress and growth is still available and that Joel will strive to bring new things to our city. Another commissioner told me that we have to continue to grow, and that if we stop growing we start dying. We have seen the dying part up close. Lets go back to the 50's and 60's and start growing again!

Anonymous said...

Well, understand that growing is going to mean we must grow personally. In other words, we cannot attack different people who might come to our community seeking opportunity.

Private citizens cannot objectify them and the cops cannot villify them. In order for the city to grow, the individuals already within the city must grow.

Otherwise, we would be like a person who has an adult body with the mind of a five year old. Not a good combination for growth.