Monday, May 30, 2011

GE strike fears

A long strike of GE could be a disaster for our area. Even worse could be the end results -- closing or downsize facilities. I believe Strother Field is the last, or one of the last, remaining engine overhaul facilities in North America.

GE is probably the last remaining manufacturing facility in our area that offers a high wage and complete benefits — health care, pension. Unfortunately, the high paying manufacturing jobs that one could raise a family on and retire comfortably (without the spouse working, too) are going by the way side. Let's hope they work this out and think of the future. GE workers will probably have to take some cut in health benefits, like most of America has. Sad, but, true.

It looks like GE workers struck for 2 days in 2003 to protest increases in employee health care contribution, but ended up agreeing to a contract that includes some wage increases and other benefit increases, while accepting some of the health care increases.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well if you missed the GE CEO's response to their corporations not paying Taxes?

It went something like this:

We are making more of our money out of the Country!(i.e. USA)


Its transferrable!

(Meaning they are not the only workers in the world capable of performing those jobs/tasks.)

Unions have lost their purpose and vision - simply a third party
that seeks to continually justify its own existence! (At the expense of their own workers! Dues and jobs!)