Monday, May 23, 2011

Jobs in Cowley

The state released April unemployment figures. It shows a large drop in the overall jobless rate in Cowley, from 6.6 in March to 5.9 in April. You can see the stats here.Both daily newspapers have seen an uptick in employment ads, including manufacturing jobs - kanpack, western industries, skyline, rubbermaid, etc. Kerri Falleti, director of Cowley First, said "the group has been talking to several of our employers that have plans to hire. Though some of the change is due to seasonal hires, many are new jobs due to growth and expansion."

The dip injoblessness could be affected by seasonal issues and might not be as good as they look, but the job picture does seem to be improving some.

The unemployment rate overall in Kansas dropped, too, but only by one percent for seasonal adjustments, according to the associated press.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is no doubt Seasonal!

Especially if you talk to some of the local workers.

By the fourth quarter the numbers will be back up!

All though, I understand some of the international business for the aircraft made in Wichita has returned!