Thursday, January 24, 2008

Obama and Sebelius

Rumors are Obama campaign is courting Sebelius hard for an endorsement. They apparently see Kansas as a key to their Feb. 5 strategy, when 21 states vote for the Democratic nomination. Hillary probably will get California and New York, while Obama hopes to pick up several smaller states in the midwest and south, while getting home state of Illinois. I have gotten several calls and emails from his campaign. Full disclosure here - I donated $50 to Obama's campaign.


Anonymous said...

There is a need for study and communication of national politics. Is it as important as local politics at this point in time? Why is this blog evading local politics? Afraid of what it might turn up?

Anonymous said...

Federal Politics are extremely relevant given our system of government. We have a global economy and what happens in the rest of the world impacts us here. That's what the federal government is supposed to deal with, National issues and how we relate to other countries. Local politics is just that, local. And is also just as important as Federal (National) its just that right this second, we are seeing something that hasn't happened in quite a LONG time.
At present, none of the running candidates has any experiance in the White House. Bush can't run for a second term and Chaney isn't running. Its a very very very wide open field on the Republican Side and semi open field on the Democrat side. is important.

Anonymous said...

It's important. Local, State, & Federal Politics. Too often, people don't pay any attention, don't vote, and then complain about what they get.

Anonymous said...

Seems to me they vote and then complain about what they voted for!

Anonymous said...

I agree that it is very important to vote. I also agree that most people that don't vote seem to complain the loudest. But then we live in a world where the blame goes to everyone but ourselves.

A little humility would help. A lot of honesty would be even more valuable. This election is going to be a tough call.

I think we had all better pay close attention, listen to what's being said, and finally, perhaps the thing which should be first, PRAY!