Friday, January 11, 2008

School bond election

With the big box debate and presidential election in full swing, our schools vote coming up March 4 has kind of been lost among the trees.

But this is a big deal - $38 million in improvements to all schools and a new sports field for USD 470. I'm told that the mail ballot will increase chances of passage because the higher the turnover, the more likely it is that the hardcore "no taxes" voters will be swamped by those persuaded by a good campaign.

Expect to see ads soon and public hearings coming up held by a citizens' comment stumping for the bond issue. I wonder, though, with talk of a recession and "progressives" losing the big box vote, if voters feel like protecting their pockets. I think that would be a shame. A top notch school district needs top notch facilities. Check out Traveler data center for power point on the project at


Anonymous said...


As much as I'm sure we all appreciate the different subjects and controversies that you bring up, the fact is there was much more communication over what we want here in Ark City. The school bond election is a little vague because it covers so much. I'm sure people would respond better to the individual changes in this bond, such as ball fields and such.

The Lowe's scandal was very specific and continues to be controversial. Perhaps you could get more responses bringing that back and the hopes of the future.

In the same line be more specific on the school bond issue and I believe we will see much more input.

Anonymous said...

It's hard to believe. Everyone is very upset about a Lowe's infrastructure that would have been paid by future Lowe's taxes, but they don't care a bit about something that will cost every man, woman and child at least $3000.00.

Has anyone done any comparisons or cost-benefit analysis on the proposed expenditures?

What's wrong with Curry Field?
High school should be about much more than just games and sports.

Anonymous said...

"What's wrong with Curry Field?
High school should be about much more than just games and sports."

If this is all you've heard you need to pull your head out of the sand. The part of this bond covering "games and sports" is a very small share compared to the other improvements.

Just like everything else. People hear only what they want to hear, and believe only what they want to believe. The Traveler did a great job of posting exactly where that money was to be spent. Maybe they should print it again for people who don't know, or is it they just don't care.

I haven't decided for sure whether I am for this bond, but at least I'll make a decision off of all the information.

Anonymous said...

uh. yeah...

Well, for one thing, it would be nice to have something to look at!
Why don't we redevelope that end of the city. It's really not the 'best looking' location for an attention getter such as ACHS most valued BULLDOGS. ;)

Seriously, I think that we should all begin to consider what it takes to build pride in our city. Yes, we could push academics more than the sports, but, I don't think that is gonna happen.

The key phrase: Build up! Let's lay aside our petty 'save a dollar' attitudes and think of the future. At the present rate of things we can all yell "meet the flintstones!" Yabba Dabba Doo!

Anonymous said...

A few years ago the School Board had a chance to partner with Cowley College for a new Football stadium and track. This would have reduced the cost to the tax payer. The School Board chose not to. Now the School Board wants to hit the tax payers for another $6,000,000 in taxes for a new Football Stadium. I think the School Board should split out the building improvements from the athletic improvements. I will not vote for new athletic improvements but I will vote for improvements for the Schools. If they are not split out I will vote no on the bond issue.

Anonymous said...

taxpayers hand over prob half of what they make every year already in taxes and yet they still want more. lets see a list of what the schools spend funding on now, maybe they should trim some waste somewhere, like some of the stupid programs the gov insists they participate in, a teacher cant even be theirselve now, they have to follow some set of robot type rules. i will not pay anymore taxes for anything, too much tax dollars are wasted and the government doesnt deal with taht, they just ask for more money instead. the school recieves much money already, look at how much they get on your property tax statement, what are they doing with all of it?

Anonymous said...

I am so excited about the proposed school bond. Yes, I have two children in the school system. However, even if I didn't, this opportunity will benefit the city as a whole. What do you think that prospective businesses considering moving to our area look at? They look at our schools! Yes, our test scores look great! But, as soon as the corporate leaders tour our facilities, they are left very disappointed! We have all become complacent to the conditions of our neighborhood schools. Our kids deserve better! They deserve a secure and comfortable learning environment. They are our FUTURE! Lets invest in them! Vote YES for our children, as well as the community!