Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Street tax

Any thoughts on the sales tax for street repair? It's hard to pass a tax increase in Ark City, and current economic conditions wouldn't make it easier.

On the other hand, anyone can see the street system needs help. A study two years ago laid out the work needed and a price tag.

There's some talk about cutting non-essential services such as the museum, community centers, etc.. Folks might be more willing to pay more sales tax for streets if they thought it would save those quality of life amenities.


Anonymous said...

bah..humbug!! No more taxes! At least not now!

Anonymous said...

maybe we could get some of the 36 million since the streets are for the kids too

Anonymous said...

The story was a little confusing. Part of the taxes for the hospital part for the streets. Why would they be tied together? I can see a desparate need to keep our hospital in good shape or replaced. On the other hand the streets can be repaired or replaced as we can. We pay enough taxes to cover most things, but I can see the hospital as something a little extra.

Anonymous said...

the question all citizens should be asking here is why did the streets sewer water etc get in the shape it is today in the first place. your city refused to spend the money on them like it should have over the last several years and they are now so far behind they tell you they cant afford to fix them. BUT while they werent spending money on those things like they should have been, where were they spending that money??? i would like to know and maybe we should demand a new company audit the city instead of the one they have used for years that is just up the street from them. the city is secretive and hides things from the public whose tax dollars support them. how many expensive and unnecessary out of town trips do we fund? isnt $5,000 dollars of taxpayer money for a projector a bit much? is a city manager for a town of only 11,000 worth $100,000? (while the city workers actually performing the work get paid at poverty level?) city hall needs a complete makeover, the only thing good going on up there is that the big shots get to have a good salary and quality of life at the expense of the other employees and the taxpayers. you the taxpayers have the right and can request a lot of information to be given to you. the only problem is figuring out what secretive items you want to request...