Tuesday, July 29, 2008

I'm back

from vacation. In Maine, there are more Obama bumper stickers than McCain, which I didn't mind :)

Anyway, the primary races are upon us. County Commission District 3 has two contested primaries. Here and here are the GOPers. Hereand here are sheriff candidates.

Look for stories on debates/forums coming up at KSOK and fair. The candidates latest fundraising and spending reports are also available at the County Clerk's office. We should have stories soon on those (and hopefully get them online)


Anonymous said...

from vacation. In Maine, there are more Obama bumper stickers than McCain, which I didn't mind :)


It's funny how you see more of what you want to see when you are looking for it...kinda like when you get a new car, all of sudden you notice the same car everywhere too. Your just looking for Obama.

Politics 101 said...

Actually, I can count. There are a lot of lobster shacks, too.

Curious said...

Your observation is interesting and possibly "telling."

Now...what will be equally interesting his how many stickers we begin to see in traditionally Red states. Wonder if we could keep a running total somewhere??? :-)