Friday, August 8, 2008

Burr Kelley preview

Here's my story, finally, on the Burr letter attacking Kelley's record

By the way, the opening line should have said "playing offense" not "playing offensive" Bad grammer and bad proofing ....


Curious said...

Good story. Both sides equally covered...

Now...on to the content of the article.

WOW...Burr's really done his research. No wonder he's running.

If you've read my earlier posts about Kelley's divisive nature and the KRA...the FACT that she was 123'rd out of 125 for reaching across the aisle proves that she is NOT a candidate of her word. (go back and read her comments from the community forum at the fair). You can't get much worse at reaching across the aisle than 123 out of 125. What's she going for 125 out of 125? That's AMAZINGLY poor.

And, she votes to defy the Kansas Supreme Court's mandate to fund education at the level the legislature already approved???? This woman has completely lost all grasp on reality.

This community was once the core of the working man and it's Democratic roots run deep. It's time that those who elected this KRA puppet to remember who our legislators really work for. Let's send a message by removing some of these Right Wingnuts out of office.

Anonymous said...


How can I say this?

Oh, I got it....


All that business about 123rd out of 125 is nothing but statistical rhetoric. It doesn't tell us the story of how many times she voted with or without the other party (or how many times she tried to reach out and they didn't accept). Furthermore, we shouldn't care how the rest of them voted, I want to know how my rep voted.

Let me give you a very simple example of this type of rhetoric : I was the #1 graduate when I recieved my bachelors degree(according to GPA and class weight).

Sounds pretty good, huh?

About the education spending. She had the opportunity to vote against spending more money. She voted against it. So what!?! It was her right to vote, she saw some serious flaws, and tried to save taxpayer money. Just because she doesn't agree with you on education funding, doesn't mean she has lost reality.

And finally, you resort to name calling, (which you have gotten good at in recent blogs). i.e. puppet, wingnut, brat, ditto-head, Dubya

This has been too long, but dang it is fun to debate.

(Just a small side note, I never said my college was accredited, my GPA was 2.9, I majored in weightlifting and there were only two graduates.)

I was still #1. YEAH

Anonymous said...

Yo, curious Sally, face it. Kelly's doin a great job.

Anonymous said...

Burr's wife is a journalist AND an attorney - she does his research.

I hear it was Burr that came off weak in the debate at the fair. Nice guy, but unfortunately misinformed and he is the one that is a puppet. His wife is the real candidate; he is on the ballot because he has a more likable personality.

And, by the way, if the writer will check the facts, he'll find it is the conservative roots that run deep in this community.

Anonymous said...

I actually agree with a whole lot of what Kelley said about her positions on issues, but as a former LEO, I have to ask why she is against DNA testing on criminals.

I see it as nothing more than a genetic fingerprint to catch future violations. And the procedure is a simple swab of the inner cheek with a Q tip. Not invasive in the least. It would give Law Enforcement another tool to help catch and convict serious criminals, such as rapists and murderers, who could possibly go unpunished without that DNA evidence.

Please respond Ms. Kelley.

Here is the quote from the article: "Kelley said she also diverged with party leaders on DNA testing of criminal suspects (she opposed it), and her support of "some form of a smoking ban."

Anonymous said...

When are you going to get a current photo of Burr? THe one he's using is so old you wouldn't know its the same person. That's playing politics, not being open and honest.

Abbreviated said...

Reagan wasn't bi partisan.

Bi partisan for a Democrat is a one way street.

Sounds like Burr has a burr under his saddle.

Don't want an angry liberal educrat representing me in Topeka.

Curious said...


Statistical rhetoric??? That would be an oxymoron, wouldn't it? So...the candidate who campaigns by saying she's all about reaching across the aisle is being unfairly characterized by a statistical misrepresentation? 123 out of 125? You can't be seriously debating the merits of that statistic. Oh...and thanks clarifying your post-secondary education for us. I have to say I'm not surprised.

Puppet, Wingnut, Dubya, and ditto head...all viable as descriptors of those who fit the description.

And, regarding education funding...OF COURSE its her right to vote however she pleases. That's exactly what we're debating here. I'm simply pointing out the hypocrisy of her vote after running on a platform of assistance to education. And, I obviously do not like her vote.

Yes...I'm liberal and have not backed down once from that description. Nor will I. A puppet would be an accurate description of one who ranks 123 out of 125. The KRA is the epitome of the radical right and have earned their stripes as Right Wingnuts. Dubya was actually first coined by Molly Ivins (I believe), and ditto-head is actually a phrase used most often by devotees of Rush Limbaugh when referring to themselves.

Anon #1: Wrong...on both counts. But keep tryin'.

Anon #2: Mrs. Burr does his research? Good for her...I'm equally impressed. Takes a smart man to have a good woman behind him.

You know...politics is interesting. I actually heard the exact opposite thing you did regarding the fair forum and which candidate came off better. Of course, you and I don't likely talk to people in the same circles.

Anonymous said...

Poor "curious." What a sad, angry person.

Anonymous said...

It's obvious to all of us that curious only comes here to call names and stir up trouble with her self righteous, liberal rhetoric. Dear, you should really not try to act like you are smarter than everyone else.. It doesn't suit you.

Anonymous said...

I agree it takes a smart man to have a good woman behind him, and vice versa. But isn't Mrs. Burr the one who is actually running things? Is that the man we want?

Leftofcenter said...

I have been reading this stuff for a while and feel it is time to join the discussion.

First of all, why don't all of you anonymous bloggers at least get a screen name so people can refer to your questions. All these comments from anonymous get confusing.

Burr has a different view of the world than Kelley does. It's obvious that he has chosen to run because of that. I'm a democrat and have been for more years than I would care to remember. I'm educated and have an opinion. It is obvious that both candidates are educated and have opinions that differ.

Many of the blogs on here do not seem to have any real substance behind them. Now it looks like the Kelly supporters are resorting to slinging arrows at Mr. Burr's wife. Who cares if she researches for him? Candidates hardly ever look this stuff up on their own. What does her being an attorney have to do with this?

This is an important race for Ark City.

Regarding anonymous 2 - You may not have been alive yet, but I think if you will look up the history of Ark City and take a close look at the Dockings, you will find that this was democrat country at one time.

Anonymous said...

You bet its important!! That's why I trust Kelley -- she's proven that she has solid values, keeps her promises, and has our interests at heart!

Anonymous said...

Dear Docking expert: if you will reflect, you will find that Gov. Docking was the last good conservative gov. we've had in this state. If that is your measure of democrat standards, then really Kelly is prbably better suited to fill the bill. The democrats of today are nothing like Gov. Docking was. On another note, there are no illegitimate arrows being flung at Mrs. Burr. If she weren't trying to stir up controversy where there is none, no comments would be made.

Don Quixote said...

Hey! Leave Kasha alone. She is working for the people. And she has my vote, and a lot of others as well.
Keep up the good work, Kasha.

Anonymous said...

It's fine it they want to call me a dittohead or rightwing nut job. I don't take offense. If that's all the liberals can do to express their anger (and they have lots of it) we should let call names. They don't have much else they can say.

If their looking for someone to reach across the isle -- I'll take it their all voting for McCain - because he seems to do that alot, vote for what he believes, not just party lines. Obama wouldn't be your logical choice then since he is the most liberal senator of 2007. Any arguments on that?

Go Kasha!!

Anonymous said...

I do not believe the incumbent wants blind followship that turns the election into a congeniality contest. I think she values the scrutiny of both candidates and would appreciate being re-elected (it it were the case) because her record withstood criticism and the challenge of contrasting ideas and ideals.

For the sake of economic vitality, education and general progress, in our legislative district, I hope we can all evaluate what each candidate offers us for the future. Of course, an incumbent always has, as a target, their performance record. It is the inseparable Siamese twin to experience.

It is not about who you would like see there. It is about what you would like to see happen. That said, it ought to be pretty obvious for whom I shall cast my ballot this fall.

Curious said...

I do not believe Ms. Kelley is genuinely interested in helping the interests of public education in the 79th district. Otherwise, why would she vote against an initiative which would have supported public education interests in this district?

Her claim in this article is that the current formula is flawed. "The funding formula is terribly flawed, Kelley argues."

'Throwing money at a broken formula - and it is broken -- encourages schools into claiming certain student classifications to garner more funding,' she said.

"This issue has been used to beat people in politics over the head for years now; let's stop it and work on some real answers," she said.

What answers are those? She had an opportunity to share her ideas...where are they? How viable are they? Are they typical of the KRA (return funding decisions to local initiatives and interest)? If so, then we don't need it. We tried that and had a real mess on our hands.

And she equates funding the minimum her legislature already approved as "throwing money" at a problem? This is Republican Rhetoric at its finest (and has been for the last twenty years).

These candidates differ on many issues which will make the voter's decisions easier to make. On one hand we have a moderate Democrat and the other a far right Republican.

The voters of the district will have their say in November.

Anonymous said...

This blog has given us "statistical rhetoric", "liberal rhetoric" and "Republican Rhetoric". What a bunch of rhetoric, if you ask me.

As far as oxymorons go, I guess you need an example on the definition of that as well:

Jumbo shrimp on sale now!!!

you're unique ... just like everyone else

Pro-life liberal.

BTW, don't forget I was the #1 graduate in my college class. In fact, since stats are sooooo very truth telling, I may change my sign in name to "#1 college graduate".

Anonymous said...


the more I think about it, the more I think you are absolutely right, "statistical rhetoric" could classify as an oxymoron.


#1 graduate

Don Quixote said...

The people have spoken. They elected Bill Clinton twice, then realized their grave mistake and elected 'W'.
Lots of stuff on the internet these days, like the Democrat position on abortion:
from their own website

"Support right to choose even if mother cannot pay
Because we believe in the privacy and equality of women, we stand proudly for a woman's right to choose, consistent with Roe v. Wade, and regardless of her ability to pay. We stand firmly against Republican efforts to undermine that right. At the same time, we strongly support family planning and adoption incentives. Abortion should be safe, legal, and rare."
Source: The Democratic Platform for America, p.36 Jul 10, 2004

They want to be known as abortionists, fine. Just don't ask ME to pay for it. When you read this stuff, I hear "TAXPAYER FUNDED" screaming in my ear. NOTE: "regardless of her ability to pay" Who do they think is gonna pay? YOU and ME...whether we believe it's right or not. I cannot understand how someone who says they are religious can support such a horrible procedure, much less vote for someone who tells you in advance what they're up to in this regard.

NO, NO, NO. Republican is not the perfect ticket. None is. But, on this issue, I side with the Republicans. But, at least it's there for the world to see. Vote Democrat, you already know what to expect. Good luck with that.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand why Sally didn't run instead of Gene. Everyone keeps telling me that she is the real candidate anyway. She does all the sniping for him and all his research and strongarms people cornering them uncomfortably and trying to convert them. He just smiles and doesn't say much.

He doesn't have any ideas or plans or at least hasn't been talking about them or they wouldn't spend so much time attacking. If his only plan is to raise taxes to provide for more education funding and just attack someone who has been effective at getting things done, all I have to say is YAWN.

I am already sick of Sally's invective and can't wait for November 5th so we can quit having the airwaves wasted with her hot air.

Anonymous said...

I think I'll be done with "curious." This is obviously a miserable or angry person who, for whatever reason, has an ax to grind and doesn't like Kelly so much that she has to call her names and try to run her down. Her blind rage doesn't allow her to see or acknowledge the many things Kelly HAS done for this district, and the way she has received support from both parties for her initiatives. This kind of anger is what divides. Oh, I have to agree, why would you put money into a broken anything? Maybe she has ideas on education but the paper didn't print them? I know its more fun to be the armchair quarterback, but maybe someone should ask. Just a though. Good luck in life, curious.

Anonymous said...

Here's my idea as a former educator to save $$ on education - mandate that school can not start until the Tuesday after labor day and must be finished by the end of May.

Less days = less expenses (fuel for busses, Utilities)

Anonymous said...

The job of educators is TOUGH; and, they make a huge impressions -- for good or for evil.

Many educators care enough about their students to not join the liberal teachers' union. Most of these same educators agree that our government is just throwing money at the problem.... not doing much for our children's actual education, but spending more and more on administration salaries, board member trips, football programs, etc. etc. etc. I know one who says, "I get paid plenty and I DON'T want my taxes going up."

Our kids deserve decent facilities and technology is important -- but sometimes school boards go overboard. Kids need safe, attractive surroundings and they need to keep up with technology -- but they DON'T need the Cadillac version!

Same with administration. (Is this how you retired so extremely financially comfortable, Mr. Burr?) They deserve a decent salary and the necessary tools, but they DON'T the huge salaries some receive. And, we certainly don't need so many layers of administrative positions! (Does a small school district REALLY need a dedicated person in HR or a publicity person?)

While I'm on that .... do our kids need (and do their parents want?) special classes & seminars to teach them the liberal morality of our world?

Let's keep our taxes down while still improving the learning of our kids!! That is at the heart of Ms. Kelley's position.

Anonymous said...

Initially I was put off by Kelley, simply for the reaosn of her being another rich kid who had been handed everything her whole life. But digging into her politics, I have to admit that I agree with her stance on a lot of things. So now I will support her simply for her politics, and forget the personal issues that turned me away in the first place. I admit I was wrong. Can any of you?

Anonymous said...

Hey, how about all of us who believe Kelley is the best representative on the ticket to fight for what we believe, find concrete ways to support her? I'm guessing, in spite of what's been said about a "rich kid", her campaign could use financial support. We could put our "money where our mouth is." AND/OR, we could all put her signs in our yard! I'm going to contact her election committee to see how I can help -- and I challenge you to do the same! (I've heard there are Democrats on her committee. THAT makes a strong statement if its true!!)