Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Life Sciences Fund

Stay tuned to the Traveler and Courier for a story on Kasha and Gene's fundraising so far. Burr raised a fair chunk but Kelley had lots in the bank.

A reader said one of Burr's donors was a fringe group, Kansans for Life Sciences. (They gave him $500) Not sure that's accurate. They seem no more fringe than say, the pro-gambling lobby or the anti-gambling lobby. They are on one side of a controversial issue, (stem cell research) as this storty tells.


Curious said...

I clearly understand Kelley's position regarding the broader pro-life issue. However, I'm uncertain of her opinion regarding this particular vein of discussion. This is more an issue about creating cells from which to generate scientific research than it is in using existing stem cells for the same purpose.

So, the controversy is whether or not we should support generation of viable human cells that could potentially lead to medical advances yet unknown.

Science is ever changing...thank goodness. I would support this branch of scientific inquiry, and will support the candidate who helps advance medical research that could lead to incredible breakthroughs still unimagined.

Anonymous said...

Hey lets do away with abortion and become overpopulated like china!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, because abortion is a great way of controlling the population.

So is cancer.

So is the the bubonic plague.. why not have an outbreak.

I can't believe you really said it's okay to murder babies because it keeps the population down. jeezus.

Curious said...

Abortion isn't the subject of this story. The discussion here is about generating new, unnaturally created cells for cell research.

Anonymous said...

That was sarcasim about china, but I do believe in abortion to a certain extent. I also firmly support stem cell research.

Anonymous said...

oh great, the anti abortionists have taken over this blog too. why don't you go join that guys church in Topeka if you want to spout your rudeness

Anonymous said...

I got to Tiller's church.