Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The end of Phill

Can't say I'm sad about this one.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, wouldn't want to stop the flow of dead babies... that might cause havok to the economy.

Curious said...

Kline typifies the far right. He is the epitome of a rich, angry white male who's ticked that he can't get his way through the democratic he subverts the process with his own antics. He's selfish, he's spoiled and he's a brat. Sounds a bit like most ditto-heads.

Now he's been ceremoniously upended for the third time...Do you suppose he'll live with the fact that he's being told quite clearly that he is irrelevant? I doubt it.

Anonymous said...

Spoken like a true baby murdering liberal.

Abbreviated said...

Score zero for dead black babies.

Margaret Sanger was a racist & her plan was to reduce the number of blacks born in this country.

Tiller is breaking the law. He is getting away with murder. The unborn have no voice. Glad Phil Kline has the gumption to stand up to bullies & political bigots.

It will be interesting what Phil Kline does next. He might be out of office, but I've been hearing his spots on the radio.

It is best to debate topics not people, but attorneys are paid even if they do a good or bad job.

Sounds like angry white liberal feminist attorney hate.

Anonymous said...

Not many people know about Margaret Sanger's views, or about the so called "Negro project". Or about Planned Parenthood's roots, though they will vehemently deny, it is a historical fact.

With the internet today, and knowledge readily available, it's easy to find out the truth.

God Bless, Phill Kline.

Anonymous said...

How can anyone NOT know about Tiller's murdering babies? Even more, how can anyone condone that? At least Phil Kline has the guts to try to stop the murders.

Curious said...

Whew...the wingers are out in force today.

The posts today are kind of proving my point.

Anon #2...Liberal doesn't = Pro Choice. Don't get caught making know the old adage about that one, don't you?

There is no denying that Planned Parenthood's roots come from Sanger. Her personal views about eugenics are well documented, and I have no evidence the documentation is inaccurate. However...linking the current mission of Planned Parenthood 's to Sanger's is grossly over-simplified.

That's a little like saying all Far Right Republicans have the mental cognition of say...Dubya. Or perhaps I could be wrong about that... :-)

Anonymous said...

Well, Dubya has a high IQ, and is very intelligent, so I guess I will take that as a compliment. It's just that he can't put a sentence together to save his life.

Anonymous said...

oh no, now we have to put up with the anti abortion groups on here! can't they go spew forth their musings on a website of their own? and I too say, good riddance to Phil Kline, we don't need people like him in politics, and I certainly don't want him representing me with his whims or spending my money on them!

Anonymous said...

When is a group of cells a human? What group of characteristics or abilities is needed? Seems like a simple enough group of questions.

Anonymous said...

well, i guess this isnt a kline question anymore but an abortion one. what gives any of you the right to tell any woman, except yourselves, what to do with her body? because it is her body and she should have the right to decide in ANY given situation concerning any and all parts of her body what is the best thing for her to do at that given time, not YOU choosing for her. In the beginning stages of pregnancy, the fetus is totally dependant on the person's body and womb it is in and it couldn't possibly survive outside of it, and at that time I think a woman has the right to decide what is best for her. I do believe that late term abortions are something that should only be done due to life threatening or other extreme circumstances. If abortions were to be made illegal again, women would still choose to end pregnancies just like they did for all the years before Roe vs Wade- with clothes hangers or self taught "doctors" who may use clean or unclean conditions-and there would be many deaths just as there was back then. Victims of rape, poverty, addiction and many other circumstances which are simply NONE of your business should have the legal choice to do what they decide is best for themselves NOT what you decide is best for them. I myself chose to have this procedure at a much younger age and I suffer no lasting effects physically or mentally- I feel I made the right choice at that time. I also have a beautiful daughter who would not be here today had I chosen differently then- granted, I would have now a different child that I loved as much, but I would never have known or loved the daughter I now have. So, call me a baby killer if you want, it doesn't bother me in the least what people like you think. And, the doctor in Wichita has my complete support and respect. How many of you out there against this have actually adopted a baby that was drug addicted, deformed, or a different race than your own? Not very likely many of you have, yet adoption is another thing you like to advocate for your cause.

Curious said...

Anon #5:

If Dubya supposedly has this unbelievably high IQ that I keep reading about...then how can he:

A) have allowed himself to be lied to by the CIA about WMD's (this is the Repub's latest explanation for their errors).

B) have allowed himself to say last year as NCLB was being reauthorized: “We’re going to spend more on our schools and we’re going to spend it more wisely." and then reduce funding for the program by $9.4 billion?

C) Say, "I glance at the headlines just to kind of get a flavor for what's moving. I rarely read the stories, and get briefed by people who are probably read the news themselves."

I could go on and on...but you get the idea.

Comparing all Republican's mental cognition to Dubya's is definitely not a compliment. If you're a Republican (which I gather from your support of Dubya) and just used Dubya's intelligence as a defense for this argument...I believe I'll just rest my case.

Anonymous said...

I never once said I supported Dubya, you moron, just that he wasn't technically stupid, like you said. I did say that he couldn't put a sentence together, and i do think he is one of the worst Presidents ever. But I don't like people attributing things to me that I never said.

Leftofcenter said...

I can't say I'm sorry either that Mr. Kline is out of the race.

He was a loose cannon from the beginning. His agenda was clear and he was thankfully unsuccessful.

Anonymous said...

To anonymous 12, all I have to say is "amen" and my thoughts exactly!

Anonymous said...

The abortion issue is a tricky one. But ALL children are innocent. I wouldn't tell someone how to handle their situation - but I would hope that they would understand that a child is innocent no matter what. I guess some of us feel like someone should look out for the ones that can't help themselves.

You know, if not taken care of a baby will die outside the womb also -- so that's not a good argument.

If their going to let abortion be legal up until birth, and partial birth abortion -- Why do they prosecute these scared girls when they have their babies born live and kill them? What is the difference. I don't think there is any.

Also what kind of a person is it think it is ok for you to let a baby die and not help it if the abortion fails and the baby is born alive? OBAMA -- he voted it is a mother's right to chose an abortion and if you help the baby you have gone against her choice. What a nice guy.